Starting new new thread with Lycan as changing the threads` name doesn`t seem to be working perfectly.
Main elements I wanted to have on the character:
1. Wolf Motive - hmm why not? xD
2. Chains - representing the (werewolf) "curse", being bound to something, stuff in his past, bad memories, or just thirst for revenge a thing he can never forget/lose which might force his path, can also relate to the chains of fenrir, or just to give a bestial tough/brutal look,
3. Spikes/Teeth - self explanatory
4. Original Design Elements - these are good to have
Latest Update
lod1 models (no weapon yet, thats still in design stage)

final composition based on feedback, and a slight change

Let me know what you think guys:)
ppl mostly liked:
V2 in armored
V2 in hell hound
gonna make few more variants, but I think, slightly armored is the right way to go... not sure breaking the silhouette is wise, but who knows, I might have a better idea tomorrow... shall see
all feedback is appreciated guys, just pour it on me please!
cheers :poly142:
(parted each thumb up into 5 sub areas, this way it`s easier to point out which smaller element (belt, shoulder pad, skirt ect) you like /hate :poly121: )
Don't spend to much time concepting, only two weeks left.
If I had to choose 5,
A - V3
B - V1
C - V3
D - v5
E - V2
Good luck mate.
yeah I know time is running out just a few more designs and its sculpting/modelling time!
my votes:
A - V2 or V3
B - V1
C - v1
D - v5
E - 1
But... for the head design, please dont change his head x)
Looking good, much prefer them to the original designs as I think they're much more readable. Here's my personal prefs :
A - V3 (V4 a very close second)
B - V2 - maybe with the teether on A tweaked to match the teeth here (less sharp)
C - V5
D - V3 but without the top spikes, possibly add the chain from V5
E - V1 head but with the backing of V4 (again, less spikes - you seriously need to get a pet bunny or something
For the helm I still like the armored V3 (go easy on the teeth though) the most. I think with the metal of the helm replacing his skin on the original model you can keep the same silohuette by using the wolf fur to emulate where his mutton chops and beard would be.
Got quite a few comments here and at work in the last couple of days, gonna try to compile out something which suits most of the feedback. Gonna try and get one last version out based on these, with colors, then get on the heads/weapons:)
Excitement, too bad I got ill and that renders half of the fun to be struggle...
(thx Baj/Alec lol)
Depending on how I get on with the polycount I might add extra bits and bobs here and there, decorations, dents ect
Yeah trying to get better, hard when it makes me unable to sleep lol
So if the model isn`t coming out nice in the end but looks a bit weird and even trippy that means I`ve serious sleep deprivation and possibly had hallucinations while making the kit xD
And thanks to Zephyri for the feedback!
was that inside the building? just wondering xD
Get some modelling done, you dont have long left :P.
Going to post soonish
sculpting the wolfheads at the moment (located where u see those orange block-out objects) should have something to show tonight or tomorrow:)