As a joke-that-isn't-a-joke, you might put some roaches on the floor as a commentary on how the game art world encourages us as artists to grime everything up or make everything overly "distressed" for "visual interest".
I'd step into this room if I were an property insurance guy about to assess the building as a good candidate for being condemned but there's no way in all the hells that I run around barefoot in here are shower in here or change clothing or any of that locker-room stuff that we are supposed to do in a locker room.
Lighting looks completely fullbright, with the exception of being able to see a couple of shadows.
Towels should fall completely straight down to a rest mostly? Looks a bit weird how they fan out.
Concrete looks smeared on top of the brick, if it's meant to be the surface behind the brick or something, then the brick should be completely gone in those sections or chunks gone rather than smoothly blending.
@punchface Nice observation. So are you saying I should pick between making this room safe to use or totally derelict? I want to make it look old and horrible but still in use.
@Electro I was trying to make it look like it was concrete with bricks behind it but your suggestions sounds like it would look better. Do you reckon I could do that all with normal maps or would it benefit from having some modelling to give it more depth? Also, the towels look weird I agree.
Some of my normal maps look inverted, is there a way to reverse this in cry engine? Thanks again for the help!
The room is already basically derelict as-is. Heck, those tiles have literally been pulled up out of the ground (who knows why?) and nobody even cleared them away. The towels are stiff with grime and dirt (no WAY in hell anyone's gonna wipe their backsides with those!) while the tiles that remain are covered in enough mildew and other gunk that I'm surprised plants haven't started growing on them. That standing water in the holes left by the pried-up tiles is probably home to mosquito larvae already.
Given the situation with the floor, I'm surprised the lockers look as nice as they do.
Ultimately though, it's YOUR scene. It's YOUR practice, and your development as an artist, right? My crits are sorta "meta" or story-based while Electro's crits are much straightforward technical stuff. Find the value and the lack-of-value in both critical approaches to your scene. Keep an open mind, but don't be afraid to ignore stuff that people say to you.
I'd step into this room if I were an property insurance guy about to assess the building as a good candidate for being condemned but there's no way in all the hells that I run around barefoot in here are shower in here or change clothing or any of that locker-room stuff that we are supposed to do in a locker room.
Towels should fall completely straight down to a rest mostly? Looks a bit weird how they fan out.
Concrete looks smeared on top of the brick, if it's meant to be the surface behind the brick or something, then the brick should be completely gone in those sections or chunks gone rather than smoothly blending.
Hopefully that helps with some direction
@punchface Nice observation. So are you saying I should pick between making this room safe to use or totally derelict? I want to make it look old and horrible but still in use.
@Electro I was trying to make it look like it was concrete with bricks behind it but your suggestions sounds like it would look better. Do you reckon I could do that all with normal maps or would it benefit from having some modelling to give it more depth? Also, the towels look weird I agree.
Some of my normal maps look inverted, is there a way to reverse this in cry engine? Thanks again for the help!
Do what you wanna do.
The room is already basically derelict as-is. Heck, those tiles have literally been pulled up out of the ground (who knows why?) and nobody even cleared them away. The towels are stiff with grime and dirt (no WAY in hell anyone's gonna wipe their backsides with those!) while the tiles that remain are covered in enough mildew and other gunk that I'm surprised plants haven't started growing on them. That standing water in the holes left by the pried-up tiles is probably home to mosquito larvae already.
Given the situation with the floor, I'm surprised the lockers look as nice as they do.
Ultimately though, it's YOUR scene. It's YOUR practice, and your development as an artist, right? My crits are sorta "meta" or story-based while Electro's crits are much straightforward technical stuff. Find the value and the lack-of-value in both critical approaches to your scene. Keep an open mind, but don't be afraid to ignore stuff that people say to you.