Hello! My first ever thread, so apologies if it's in the wrong section etc.
For my final year project at university, I'm going to tackle the environment of my favourite film, TekkonKinkreet, if you haven't seen it, you should definitely check it out. I'm also going to have a go at making the characters in 3D.
As it's a game environment, I'll try to keep things as modular as possible, so if you see me doing something that isn't efficient, please let me know!
Also, I'm trying to capture the same effect as the actual 2D environment, which is the main point of the project, so I'm going to be messing about with shaders and anti-aliasing etc in the unreal engine, I've read many tutorials, but if you know of anything useful, please let me know that also!. I'll start the thread off with some screen shots of the character model so far. His name is White, or Shiro in Japanese.

Here is the trailer to the film, to give people an idea of what I'm going for.