Hello all!
I'd thought I'd share with you a personal project of mine, with the ultimate dream goal being to work on it throughout my last year of college in hopes of having something tangible (and fun!) to turn into an indie game.
A quick overview of Salt War is a multiplayer, third-person shooter that pits two teams of Slug soldiers against each other, combined with a top-down RTS style commander mode. I've always been a big fan of large outdoor maps that combine infantry with vehicle support, and love real-time strategy (some of my favorite games are the BF series, especially BF2's commander support, and natural-selection 1 and the amazing sequel). So I figured, why not spend all my free time working on a game I'd love to play?
I've been trying to get as much of the basic assets and style down while further developing the game mechanics (tech tree's/vehicles versus infantry/what should/n't be place-able, and some other twists such as the commander being in charge of direct artillery/airsupport and a special vehicle he can order to move around that asks as a mobile command base/mobile player spawn to reinforce sectors (as the actual home base is static as far as placing an entire new HQ/vehicle factory. Basically allowing me more control over variations in mapflow, but still allowing for the commander to be creative with his other toys/turret tower placements/etc.).
But anyways, here's a few images of some of the work I've been doing so you can get a general idea of things. Still have a ton of work to do, but I'd appreciate some early thoughts and reactions!! I'm aiming for a more vibrant and exaggerated style, and yeah I still need to repaint that default speedtree placeholder texture..
These images are taken from my general test map, where I test out how the art assests are starting to look, as well as game scripts and general feel of how the game/environment might piece together. I also really like level design in which you can see a mountain and actually reach it/variation in Z scale as well as size so that's something I'll be pushing in a few areas once the levels are designed.

As you can see it's very wip!

Sense of scale+Unfinished vehicle factory. There would be two opposing bases a good distance apart with resources scattered inbetween (Such as freshwater/oil/salt, salt being limited but used for the more deadlier commander abilities). I'd say this size feels about one-fourth to a half of an entire map, though can only be certain once I get down to more testing.

Jet WIP used for airstrike ability, countered by AA gun emplacements.

Tank WIP that is controlled normally by regular players(infantry)

And of course the basemesh of the Slug player model:

Progress still continues on my game project, I've included a video of some of the work being done so you can get a better feel for the project.