Anyone playing? bought the game awhile back been poppin in here an there to see the updates pretty fun! never did play DayZ due to how janky it looked.
generally i kill anyone i don't know due to the fact if you turn your back on anyone your a dead man :P
would love the hear your thoughts, here is two guest codes to help with that:
How are the controls? One of my least favorite things about DayZ was the terrible controls/interface.
If were to compare vs DayZ I'd say personally WarZ is better (I don't like to typically compare but I'm sure at some point someone will ask :P )
Skype: aajohnny2
Steam: moustachio2
but i had SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much food and pain pills.
and a very big backpack. lol
Anyone know how much it cost at the moment ?
Starts at $24.99
My friend and I both had an m16, pistol, and a shotgun in our backpacks and we were just leaving the airstrip we turned around and checked to see if anybody was behind us with our binoculars and saw 4 bandits come from behind just leaving the hangars with m16s and shotguns, me and my friend were in fairly open ground near a crashed chopper, we instantly laid down and figured that instead of hopping servers we would take on these 4 guys. The battle lasted around 10-15 minutes. They saw us and the battle began. One enemy was camping out behind a crashed chopper and another was camping behind 1 out of the 4 barricades in the grass, the other two were spread out on both sides and we had a hard time figuring out where they were, but we were shooting at each other for a few minutes hitting at times but mostly missing. All of the sudden somebody spawned behind us at a circle of barricades and started firing at us with a shotgun 2 of the 4 other bandits started coming straight at the chopper in front of us because of that. The one bandit behind us was very close and was at the barricade closest to me stood up and started shooting like crazy at my friend (I was in rubble near the large door at the chopper) the two bandits in front of the chopper didnt see me but just my friend and shot at him and got him leaving 3 guys right in front and behind me, I killed the one bandit that was from behind with my pistol (at this time I was out of m16 ammo) I stood up and one of the bandits was in the door looking the other way and I took him out leaving me with 5 bullets in my pistol clip, the other bandit with him was at the tail of the chopper also where my friend died and he hit me with a shotgun but I had a pistol and managed to put bullets in him faster he was gone, so in a matter of 1 minute I killed 3 bandits leaving me with 2 more and they were STILL at the barricade and crashed chopper far ahead, shooting at me this whole time
The one behind the chopper gave up on camping there and moved forward to the left of my chopper to a small little concrete shack after a small battle with him I got him leaving me with the 1 at the barricade I had multiple shotguns and pistols in my backpack and got to my final shotgun the only gun with ammo, after 2-4 minutes of shooting he moved up (he was running out) I shot a few times and ran out of ammo he was coming closer and closer and I thought I was screwed, I noticed a shotgun on the ground, I believe the one my friend dropped when he died and picked it up, had about 7-8 bullets in it, back and forth shooting and he finally had maybe 3 bullets, he just ran in the open and we were almost face to face, he shot 3 times miss, hit, miss he was out of everything and I had 2 shots after reloading problem there was a reload glitch and I couldnt get to shoot, he was running around trying to find something, eventually pulling out a melee weapon my reload glitch stopped and I killed him with my final shots.
ALL the bandits in the chat must have stayed and congratulated me in the battle and was extremely shocked, they said it was by far the best fight they have ever experienced in a game and kept congratulating and talking about it in chat, later leaving. I left with a hatchet haha. All the weapons that were on the ground were useless because there was no ammo in any.
Sorry for the lost post but WOW that was incredible . EVERYBODY PICK THIS GAME UP ha.
aajohnny- 5
bandits - 1
I too was interested in this, but I started having doubts after a while.
@ Rick how is it terrible compared to day z? care to explain? Day Z does not own the open world survival genre, kinda getting sick of people putting the label on it as that.
That may have changed since, I can't say, but hiding the fact that the game is basically a mod of a f2p game, and then charging alot of money is shady.
*edit - i'm not saying that warZ isn't fun, i'm sure it is - it's a fun genre - and I think it's both unfair and irresponsible to say that only Day Z can do it and everybody else is copying them.
I would like to point out though, that your story - if taken out of context - could just as easily have come out of Day Z instead of War Z. Even down to the setting. Air strip, downed helicopters, bandits, m16s and shotguns, reload glitch.
For pete's sake - if you're going to make a game in the same genre as another game, even with Zombies, than do something to set yourself apart. It could have been in a huge metropolis, or a barren desert. it could be 100 years since the outbreak and the world is being reclaimed by nature while people are eaten by zombies - or during the initial Chaos and there are terrified civilians or remnants of armed response around. For God's sake make something different about it that's not just a few minor game-play changes - that are (from what i've seen) mostly just quick-fixes on what people most often complain about with Day Z - or lack of Arma II quirks and replaced with the quirks of your own engine.
Dude that game we played today was awesome! shouldn't have split up though
Its like the DAY Z mod but slightly less hardcore. and WAY WAY WAY less buggy.
you can also form clans in it and see other clan members on map, and icons above their heads in game. makes it much easier to team up. the zombies are also more zombie like and less olympic zig zag long distance sprinters. when you get killed you lose your gear (unless a friend is there to pickit up for you.) and you have to wait an hour to spawn that character again.
one thing i really like is the safe zones, when you get in a safe zone you can deposit any gear you have found and when you make a new char you can equip him with that gear. and any player in game who gets to a safe zone can access any of the equipment you have stashed there.
theres a cash store for buying items, but be warned, you lose those items just like any others.
in my opinion they did something to set it apart,, they made it actualy playable. they made it feel like a real game instead of something you have to keep telling yourself "well for a cobbled together mod its pretty good" i've played both games enough to have a grip on what they are,, and currently WARZ is superior. theres a few things i'd like to see WAR get thats currently in DAY, like vehicles and localized damage. but all in all this feels like a game where DAY feels like a mod.
Yup, I've really been enjoying it, as far as the drama, yeah, it's a bit shitty that they couldn't just be honest and say they were copying DayZ because it is currently implemented a lot better.
there's already a drama thread so lets keep this one drama free - this is for people to group up under the green banner!
DayZ was cool because it was new and unique but WarZ showed that it isn't really that hard to do, I've been half joking about making a clone in unity using all purchased assets and calling it MoreZ - the networking and controling hackers is the biggest hurdle.
I mean the fact that they actively tried and stop you from returning the game for a refund, advertised is as 'complete', and banned players randomly, even if you didn't have a copy of the game (meaning they didn't have a check-up system for accounts in place), and raised prices after the first patch doesn't mean well at all.
shitty vidya because I haven't done anything with digital video in roughly 10 years.
Me being confused by DayZ's wacky controls and bad UI
Also, there are rumors that the people who did the current shenanigans are the same peeps from the last time who did the same job on the other game by the same company , which means there is good chance the security measure wasn't updated.
Again, changing email password is advised.