Hi! I've been trying to figure something out lately, and can't seem to find the answer through google searches, so I guessed this would be the best place to ask.
I'm an animator, and I'm trying to set up something similar to the WoWhead, LOLking model viewer for my portfolio.
Like this.
The problem is, I can't find any information on how to set it up.
I've found a pretty large number of sites and programs that will allow the model to be viewed and rotated, but none seem to support any sort of animation.
Any thoughts?
Now i think your best bet is to cook up something in Unity, but it would require the final viewer to install their plugin.
And I know it can be done, since they clearly have it on ZAM sites, but just have no idea where to even start on building it.
Touche, salesman.
I think I will be taking this route.
I emailed p3d, and they DO plan to include animation in the future, and they said they had already been testing a few file formats.
I looked for this at one point as well. This site has the best model viewer. But I didn't dig though their source to see if it was included. http://www.ro.me/tech/