Hey Guys,
I currently work on a scene for my portfolio. My objective is to succeed in reproducing the concept of Mark Yang in 3D, from modelling to the rendering.
After a first phase of blocking, I began the modeling of each part in high-resolution. I start with the most imposing parts before details. Each element is modelled in sub-d by personal choice in order to be able to improve my level of modeling and being able thereafter to present each part independently.
I call upon you because I have difficulties in reproduce the intermediate elements which I framed in red. Also, I would have liked your assistance to constitute a basic layout of this part without taking account of wiring which would resemble the concept as well as possible.
I did a quick render, so if somebody is motivated to do a paint over to help me, it could be awesome !
Secondly, I thus made a simple paint over, think it is a base on wich I can start ?