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Arc Squadron! Dump

polycounter lvl 12
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ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
Hi! Arc Squadron is my third game I've been able to release and my first mobile game. I didn't used to have a lot of faith in mobile until I was able to make art for it..and well.. You'd be surprised how much power you can get out of it. It's really quite amazing and has made me become a believer in the platform.

Anyways, A quick story on Arc... It was originally a PC space combat game..

It was really cool! But through development we shifted it to be on Mobile..but still have the bad ass shooter combat it was always meant to be. Basically when I hopped on board most of the game was using the original assets..and looked like this.


As you can see it was grey..brown..dreary.. And didn't match the popping colors of the ships and bright saturation of the galaxies. I wasn't really given any concept art..actually none at all..or art direction for the most part. I was just told to make the world match the ships and bring it to life. . . and this is what I was able to come up...


So I didn't get a lot of time to do this, and for a while I was the only artist until I got much needed help from fellow artist, Bobby McCoin. So to conserve time and energy I decided to essentially take the assets I had..but create all new tileable textures and just remap them..


If you look closely..you can spot all the tilebales!


I was then able to model on my free time some interesting and cool shapes..


Here are a few before/after pics.. I kinda took these near the end of my work on Arc..I wish I did it in the beginning so I can show you the difference a little paint job can do..



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