Your scenes and props show that you have skill in modeling and shading. Like myself, your lighting can be more dynamic. I like the griddyness of your alley scene and the AC unit and TV. I would like to see another version of the sword, maybe after it's been through some battles? And maybe in your alley scene you can have a burn barrel somehwere near the fore ground, to make your assets pop more. Your locker room scene is good, but needs a little more. The repetitiveness and cleanliness makes it kinda dull. Maybe add something on the floors to tell a story? There was a locker room fight? or maybe a team just went through there after a sporting event and it's all dirty and you see maybe a mop and bucket in the scene. Hope this helps
Thanks for the kind words (OMG) what do you think of the presentation overall? Is it easy to navigate? Did you feel like you got a grasp of my knowledge of art for games? Do i look hire-able?