Hi guys I'm using Max 2013 for the first time and the problem is that I see it using up memory like crazy. I open Task manager and notice that the RAM usage just keeps rising, eventually I get an "out of memory" error. Do you know about this and have an idea how to fix it?
Windows 7 x64
2 GTX 260's - Driver 301.42
edit - it seems to happens whether I use Nitrous or regular DX driver
My RAM gets eaten up by Max once I hit the Play button for an animation, and it goes and goes til all of my 8 GB RAM is gone. I don't think more RAM would help, it would likely just eat all that up too. This must be something besides hardware.
Intel® 64 or AMD64 processor with SSE2 technology3
4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
4 GB swap space (8 GB recommended)
3 GB free hard drive space
Direct3D 10 technology, Direct3D 9, or OpenGL-capable graphics card5
512 MB or higher video card memory (1 GB or higher recommended)
If you're low on HD space that might be a reason why you get a out of memory error. Free up at least 8gb on the drive that has your OS installed on it and see if that helps.
I dunno how accurate that is but if you recommend enabling the Paging file and increasing its size I can do that. Right now it looks like it's only set to 400 Megs. Maybe too low?
I'm wondering if I should stick to keeping the Swap File active. Since Psyk0 says it's obsolete, it makes me want to disable it again. There does seem to be an increase in performance with it disabled.
Apps like max have never done away with the swap file and it seems like they have started to lean on the graphics card and a swap file for performance increases.