Banging my head against the wall trying to learn how to do normal maps correctly.
My current workflow is:
Move overlapping UVS -> Triangulate mesh -> bake -> move back overlapping UVs and export into Marmoset.
Here's what it looks like from one side:
And here's what it looks like from the side that had the overlapped UVs that were moved before baking.
It looks fine on both sides in Maya, but as soon as I export to marmoset I get that bad result. I don't really know any other way to approach it other than Nnt overlapping the UVs, but the piece is a gun and it seems like a massive waste of space if I don't overlap.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm really starting to hate normal maps.
Perhaps take a look at the marmoset thread here or the pdf documentation for it.
I think I've figured the issue out. I'm exporting as an FBX. I had to turn off tangents and binormals.
Lock normals
Will fix your issue. This happens when you load quads into marmoset, as marmoset may reverse the triangle order on import. Make sure to do the lock normals step, otherwise your vertex normals will change a little bit when you triangulate and you'll get smoothing errors.
edit: oh wait, you say you've triangulated already? What does your mesh look like without the normal map then? Do you have hard edges on one side but not on the other?
I will bet you 5 dollars that one side of your model has either different triangulation or different smoothing groups from the other side of your model.