Hey Everyone,
This year I'm currently in my second year of AIE - Game Development Course. I have been working on a game with other students, we are using UDK - Unreal Engine to make our game, and I have been creating some effects. Various effects from Fire, Water to Material Changing effects.
This year is my first year learning UDK and I have only be working with UDk for around 6 months.
Most of the Visual Effects are being used in game, but some we decided not to use because our game originally was PVP but now we have had to go PVE for technical reasons.
Hope you all like some of these Effects I have created, and any crits or comments welcome.
-These are mostly Images, Videos will come later but I do plan to Upload Videos also

This is my first Fire Particle, I wanted to start with something simple. I watched many Videos and when I was confident I created this Particle System :

For my first attempt I was pleased with the result, still has alot of work that could be done to refine it, but I used this as a starting point.
Unreal Cascade was quite easy to get my head around it, and I picked it up fairly fast, but still needed to learn alot more as the year continued.
I did use the Barrel from the project from a Tutorial Video, the Textures and the Particle itslef I created.
Here is the Material for the Fire Particle, very simple. I have used node based editors before so I understood how to make the Material I wanted and needed. (etc Pixel Depth, Vertex Color, Depth Biased Alpha, Constant Clamp)

Still work that could be done, but as a starting point it was nice.
Next up was the Skydome

I had been asked to if I could create a Day/Night cycle for our game and I had no clue how to go about this.
I spent many days researching various ways to do this, I wasnt confident so I followed tutorials on how to do this to get my first result and then refined it using my own ideas and this is what I have.
It combines (Clouds, Stars, Color Change(Day/Night), Movement) all in which I've learned through Tutorials.
Here is what I came up with in the end :

I was very happy with myself with this result for a first go, alot was because of my knowledge of Node based Material Editors and even for a simple SkyBox this result was nice.
Still alot I'm unhappy with, but as I spend more time refining it in my own time the more it will turn out the way I imagine it.
We currently aren't using this in our game, we are using a more stormy SkyBox which I will post soon.
Here is the Material for the SkyBox, not alot to it :

I like to use comments alot to outline each Category, so its clear to me and to everyone else what each comment outlines.
Very useful when working with larger Materials.
Overall I am happy with this result, but still alot of work to do.
Continuing to work with the Sky, I wanted to learn how to do Dynamic Cloud Shadows. This one I found alot easier, I read about using Light Functions on the UDN website, and so from there I made the suitable Material.
When I was finished I tried adding to a Dominant Directional Light and didnt work but as soon as I applied it to a Point Light

it worked
Here is the Result :

The Final result in game is much less intense, but works really nicely. When I get around to recording will show Final result.
Took around a week to finalise result, but in the end turned out nicely.
Any Comments or Crtis welcome, even Questions.
Cheers Dysengaged