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creating terrain in "meter-by-meter" units


I am really new to cryengine and to these kind of advanced engines overall.
I was wondering if someone knows if there's a way to create a terrain floor that is not based on a 1024x1024/512x512 etc heightmap, but created in meters ?
For example, how do I do if I want to create a map that is 40x60 meters?
Like a smaller scene, but I still want to use the terrain tool for the ground etc :)

I am using the cryengine 3 sdk

Seems to be a really cool engine!
Thanks in advance.


  • e-freak
    well the units are always in meters. When you create a terrain it will ask you what size your terrain should be and for performance reasons it only offers you power-of-two options. You can chose resolution and meters per unit, so for your small environment you should probably just chose 128 by 128 and 1 meter per Unit and only use what you are using.

    If you want to absolutely cut off the rest, you can use the terrain tool in the roll up bar to create holes in the terrain and simply cut everything off beyond your scene.
  • Callesw
    Okey, I see! Cool :) Thanks a lot for the feedback!
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