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3D Environment Artist Position open at Wayforward - Santa Clarita, CA

polycounter lvl 12
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damon_d polycounter lvl 12
Wayforward is seeking an experienced 3D Environment Artist for a game on the XBox360, PS3, and Wii. We're looking for a talented artist with a good grasp of architecture, lighting, low-poly modeling, solid texturing skills, and the ability to work across several visual styles.

This is a per-project position, but for artists that work out well there is a good probability of being kept on for future projects.

Wayforward is located in Santa Clarita, California. This is an on-site position.

Please email Damon DuBois at damon_dubois@wayforward.com for more information.



  • ironbelly
    Offline / Send Message
    ironbelly polycounter lvl 9
    If you get to a point where you haven't filled the on-site position and you need it done in a hurry drop me a line(ryan@ironbellystudios.com) and we can work out an off-site solution for you. We've had our fair amount clients that started out looking for onsite staff and after a month with us decided that a properly managed off-site team, like we offer, did the job just as well and for less money.

    Either way good luck with the search!
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