Hi guys, this is my first thread here on the forum. Wanted to open a WIP thread for my school works to get some feedback and also some advise.
I'll mainly post pic's of my end of year work but probably some other stuff from here and there too:)

And here's the first pic : just some random props I'm currently making for the scene. Critique and feedback greatly appreciated!
PS: I almost forgot to post the reference image.

The red part is what we have to copy entirely without any changes, and the rest is depending on the concept we're working on with one of the teachers.
The last asset preview:

Yeah, this one is here just for the modeling preview purpose, although I was thinking of painting a worn/darken map in coat and overlaying it over this one in UDK Material Editor this way I keep this one as the relatively large base generic texture and import some specific maps way smaller to break the noisy/generic look. (I'm doing this for the performance sake)
'cause, baking specific set of "large" maps for each asset is heavier than this method. (correct me if I'm wrong)
I already started searching the proper way to make a overlay effect in UDK, but alas, I think I gonna need some material function skills to do so... Which I don't have atm. So any tut's or related information is GREATLY appreciated!
I finished the modeling of my wooden pieces an exported them into UDK. Here's the quick preview setup. As I intended I'm using my unique diffuse/normal/spec set (1024*512) for all those pieces with an overlaying AO+edger (256²) to break up the noisy look.
There is one Master material with a material instance per object with a control over the Diffuse color (through a VectorParameter blended with the diffuse by a Power node) and also the AO+edger map input.
So as always, if you have something to say bout it, any tiny bit of feedback is welcome!
Hope you enjoy this early/derpy stage of the work!
PS: Oh yeah, the wall itself is made of 4 basic brick tools and 2 of them were stretched and resculped to give the mortar/cement. Now I have to retopo' this guy... yay... -_-'
EDIT: There is the UDK preview of this guy (1024² diffuse/normal, 512² spec)
And the other part of the same piece, they will be kinda stacked. And I'm planning to reuse this one on the brige and the houses perhaps.
It's been a long time since I've updated my progress here. It's mainly because I focused on boring tweaking and stuff like this (besides the fact that I was sucked into other projects and just general study business...)
But the I am, finaly with a concept that is aproved and ready. This will allow me to work on stuff that is way much funnier to do!
Anyway, I'll try do update the main view ass soon as it's possible. Some things have changed there too. but before thaat there's my little smeltery here, hope you like it! (fists hard surface model ever, so be gentle guys... or not!) Critique requested as always!
So there is the WIP of the central piece of the village square in the reference. I'm planning to replace the original cross with a sort of tech-anvil standing on a cross shaped platform.
Originaly I was planning to use the Fallout 3 trick for the broken edges of a model to break out the tilling of the cross, but in the middle of the process I realized that this was completely worthless since I'm trying to build a central piece witch obviously will be unique and very important in the scene, or at least it wasn't a simple random prop witch will be reused a lot across the scene. Therefore applying a very optimized method with a relatively poor visual impact compared to the needs of a central piece like this was a nonsense.
So i dumped the thing and started almost from skratch to build a unique prop.
The basemesh is almost done and soon I will proceed to the next phase witch will be to sculpt some additional details into Zbrush.
Here's the actual stage of the project.
And this is the crappy result I came out before.
OOOH YEEAAH! Finally done with the Zsculpt of this baby! *falls asleep*
Here are some screenshots of the actual stage of the texturing the rocks parts are almost final, I will maybe come back and tweak them later but I'm pretty satisfied with the look right now.
The metal though... That part isn't exactly what I want it to be. The spec is still to high, the colors aren't exactly what I want and I'm not quite sure what I want to do with this brown dust/dirt layer that I have right now in the cavities.
Had a hard time getting the spec' for the metal parts right... copper and bronze will be my death guys!