For the first time i am painting a super low model (894 tris) in zbrush ( actually this is my first full hand painted model )
I'm just using zbrush for now. at the end i will make corrections and adjustments in photoshop.
for me the biggest problem is that, there is no image adjustment, color correction, etc... but this serving as painting training since the only tool available is the brush, nothing more.
so, can i have a feedback?

Now on the max viewport with 512x512 texture
I still need to paint the hands and the hair of straw
Are you going to do the hair? I think you have come to a point where it would be more beneficial for you to work with the texture just in Photoshop (or similar) for a while.
Yes, to to the hair i will use photoshop. but it will be just some straws coming out of the head and on the sleeves of the dress like the attachment.