Hi guys,I was thinking to create an environment for testing & learning stuff about UDK,so I started learning about how to create the skydome,easiest than I thought (though I have some cloud randomly spinning around probably...xD ).
The idea was to go for something fantasy,kind of Jrpg/Xenoblade feeling,what do you think guys? Any ide about how to improve it?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3-xWD7e5VI&feature=plcp"]Skydome Test inside UDK - YouTube[/ame]
Now the next step is to learn how to create sand & water
Actually my main concern is to understand if I can export the heightmap from udk,so I could be able to start sculpting the terrain inside it,export & import into worldmachine for refining it & then back into udk,let me know please if you have the answer
From your very own polycounter Choco!
Started roughly sketching some terrain,I put a udk model & a checker to give a sense of scale,later on I put here the video,is uploading right now.
The map actually is kind of huge,but this will allow me to use it as a sandbox map,lets say for example I want try out a different kind of vegetation,I can simple go in another region of the map - the goal of this map is to test stuff on it & learn in the process
I am not particulary happy about how the poligons are distributed on the landscape,I got lot of them in a plain terrain & few stretched on the side of an almost 90° slope(you can see it in the image,the one with the super stretched polygons)...did you guys know if there is a function that distribute them where needed?
If you want to have more polygons on the cliffs you will either have to model your entire landscape in one piece (which is a HUGE thing to load, most likely), subdivide the terrain more (which will also create more polies on the flatter surfaces) or just stick mode detailed modular rock models into the cliffsides (which is the most commonly used approach).
Now I am having a bad problem,for testing purpose with worldmachine I exported the landscape heightmap,it was exported in .raw format but worldmachine was unable to load it (using the FileInput) I try to load it in photoshop to see what it was going on (though I am not sure if the file format was meant to be opened in photoshop) & this is an example of what I get (image below).
I am a bit confused,am I doing something wrong?! O_o
I have the landscape sculpted inside udk,I am trying to export it from udk to import it in worldmachine for erosion pass & textures,the problem is also that udk don't give me option over the exporting process
but I found this http://www.mavrikgames.com/game-development-tools/hic-documentation ,probably is what I was looking for,got to try
But I found a way around,simply selecting the terrain & exporting it as an .obj,then importing into Zbrush & grabbing the heightmap from there & then into worldmachine,now that I know it work I can keep with the sculpting of the land without have to worry to encounter major problems later on.
Got to be careful in worldmachine though,I am putting roads on the side of a little mountain (image below) & using the erosion module probably will end up by totally ruining it,so I think I will have to create some masks to preserve those areas.
Other thing that is bothering me is the fact that I got mountains all around in a rectangular shape,making it feel like if the player is stucked inside a big box,I put those mountains in the first place just to hide the horizon line where my sky meet the complete black,but it simply look wrong,so now I am thinking to generate a random terrain in worldmachine for the land around the rectangular playable area & collapse it into my heightmap,then I will manually adjust things with udk terrain sculpting tools to make them blend in a smooth way
I was setting the DOF,but no matter how I set it,it kill my skydome,is like when I look at the sky without my glasses
There is some setting for the shader of the sky that allow it to bypass the DOF & stay as it is?(or some trick to keep it sharpen) :poly122:
oh wait never mind thats for camera
hold on
try decreasing DOF_Max Far Blur Amount
ok,it went out of control,damn =_='
I mean,at the beggining I didn't realize it was so huge,see the noise happening? is a noise applyed on at 8k texture...so,I belive I can't rely on worldmachine diffuse output in this instance with a map that huge,am I right?
so the plan now is to find a nice spot in this gigantinc place,& start to working the visible area around starting from that point,focusing mostly on the near stuff & ignoring everything else on this huge map
1) is it possible to save a mipmap in another format that udk can use?
2)if not,it is possible trough some setting to operate on the autogeneration of the mipmap in order to improve it in some way?
Also,I put a 4k normal map on the terrain,for some reason is working strangely on some areas,doing very dark stuff, but I could hide the spots with rocks,my problem is,how I have to set the material to keep this terrain normal & at the same time to have the normal of the layers overlaying it when I paint those?
So here an early very rough wip
the top right area is empty cause there will be a giant wall,like protecting a huge city,also got to think to something else for the plain,now is just too much plain
I was doing the final touches in worldmachine,added the snow based on height & ready to export the map to udk when suddenly worldmachine crashes,I open it again but in a moment of distraction I do double click on "Save" icon instead of "Open",choosing my map & realizing 1 sacond later that I gave it the confirmation to overwrite my map with a blank file :poly127:
Now everyone should take example from 3ds max,every program should have an autoback function...
though,I still have the old terrain,I just continue there.