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[DOTA 2] Lina - "Set with wings"

Hello everyone. I'm novice in game modelling, but i have some ideas for Lina. Once i thought: Lina is flying hero, what if i add wings for her. Now i'm working on new dress, and later i made wings. Here you can see concept. I'm a bad artist, but i think you'll understand my idea.
Also need to work on name of set.


  • DesireeFernandes
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    DesireeFernandes polycounter lvl 7
    Hello, you've got a good start here. I see a few potential problems, though. First off, your concept seems a little plain. Perhaps messing with the pieces you've already made (cutting out pieces, changing the silhouette of the design or adding details) will help this item set stand out. Also, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to make wings for Lina, just because her item slots don't really allow for it. Unless you made the wings come out of her necklace or belt pieces, I don't thing it would work. In addition, the wings might mess with the silhouette of her character, which might not give your item set a good chance; Valve placed a high emphasis on making sure the items kept with the overall silhouette of the original character.

    Good work so far, keep at it. Good luck.
  • Selcinto
    Offline / Send Message
    I thought about wings and understood that you're right. In the future i'll make wings as a bonus, which i don't include in set. Concept includes a basic changes of Lina's dress without any details, which i'll add later. Thanks for your advices.
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