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[DOTA 2] - Sven - Eviscerator's Will set

Sven -

"Eviscerator's Will" set

Hello, This is the starting stage of the set, its very rough and undetailed for now and im still thinking for the desing of the sword, I will add tomorrow new pics with armor details and more updates .



  • Afterlife
    Offline / Send Message
    Hello everyone and please do forgive me for not posting updates sooner as i said i would , i had some problems in RL which couldnt be dalayed. So here is what i did do ... i made some small changes and i figured out how i want the sword to look like , you can see here in the screen:


    Everything is still basic modeling becouse i want to be perfect sure of the lines and forms of set before starting with the details.

    Also i want my set to have a different name becouse Eviscerator is more suitable for Mortred(PA) and ill start designing it soon after i finish this one ,so the new name is "God's Heritage" (which i think perfectly represents the set for Sven ) also i want to add shining runes to the armor and i did a small research for runes and i found that :


    Even that is normal for no one to know what the runes mean i think would be really cool that they have actually meaning and would mean the name of the set I will also add runes for power .. protection .. healing woonds and etc.

    About the colors:
    The set will be with gray metal color and gold metal color (for the bracers) i wanted to add gold becouse of the 1st skill for sven Storm Hammer , i think would be cooler if the bracer and hand are the same color as the skill with the flying metal glove

    Im open for any suggestions and oppinions so feel free to post replays ill try to answer as soon as i can
  • qassamzed
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    qassamzed polycounter lvl 6
    Ehm dude it seem "Sven" is not on the hero contest list

  • cerberusd
    Offline / Send Message
    Why don't you just publish it on Steam workshop?
  • Afterlife
    Offline / Send Message
    lol big Oops.. well i will publish in steam workshop and i rly didnt knew about the hero selection restrictions .. ill start new set lol :D
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