Okay, first of, i'm an idiot for not doing regular backups.
Secondly, Maya is retarded - why not just save WHAT IS MADE rather than saving the STEPS IT TOOK TO GET THERE...
This file is not opening in Maya 2013 that it was made in, I have loaded it into the script editor and I get this error, and that line of code is RIGHT at the top of the file, so i'm hoping the rest of the instructions will still work if this can be ignored/removed?
// Error: line 3772: setAttr: Error reading data element number 17: 4
Here is the code, it's funny that the setAttr is actually on like 3773 not 3772:
3770: mu 0 4 482 483 484 485
3771: f 4 -1009 1070 1071 1072
3772: mu 0 4 492 486 488 493;
3773: setAttr ".fc[500:999]"
3774: f 4 -1005 1073 1074 -1071
3775: mu 0 4 486 487 489 488
3776: f 4 -1072 1075 1076 1077
Could I just allow it to run up until it hits the problem?