Hello overyone!
I got tossed into this competition for a school project, and when I saw Broodmother was in the list I immediately jumped on. I'm planning on making her all the more horrifying to all those poor arachnophobes playing DOTA2, and decided on a set I'd like to call the "Hatchery of Horrors".
Here is some concepting I've done so far:

Currently I'm still deciding on the colours for the eggs. For the rest I'd like to stay within Broodmother's basic palette, since it really works for me.
A quick rundown of the set:
Back: A new posterior knob, broader and covered with eggs. Eggs are wrapped in spidersilk.
Legs: Modified legs with adjusted segmentation and pincers. Front legs now have extra pincers for stabbing, and hind legs are covered in eggs as well.
Head: Instead of that little "plume" as I like to call it, Broodmother will get an extra set of large fangs.
NOTE: I am aware of a different set for Broodmother in this competition that has a similar idea, the Caring Mama set. I'm doing my best to make my set look different from that one, I hope that's evident from these concepts.
really liking the stilleto look of the legs too by the way :P
I'm working on the back now, placing some additional webs over it. All the other modeling is done there, safe for optimizing it for LOD1
I decided to leave the eggs on her legs away, mostly due to tri count constraints.
Have a WIP image!
Right now I'm considering the legs to be about done, just going to add a few more details on the first segment to make them less monochrome.
Currently I'm tweaking the jaws, and I still have to do the entire back.
Currently working on the mapping and importing into DOTA2.
Feedback always welcome!
No matter what I try to do, my models show up in the game at a much smaller scale than intended.
I originally used the Maya files that I exported from Maya into 3Ds Max 2013 as a base for modeling. I've already checked whether there was any scaling on my or the base models (which there asn't) and even applied fixes for this kind of issues just to be sure (Box Method, which did nothing, and reset xform which resulted in stretching of my models).
I export as FBX, and have tried various measurement systems during export (auto, cm, meter, inch, and feet to be precise) yet my models always show up on the same scale.
I can't use SMD export since there is no plugin for that yet for Max13, and I can't open my Max13 file into Max12. Anyone has an idea what's going on or how I can fix it?
Well, that's a problem. I can only import and export to SMD with these 3Ds Max plugins, but they don't work yet for Max 2013, and I can't open my files into Max 2012 because of backward compatibility issues (big fail on that part, imo).