I have tried a number of different methods when it comes to character creation and asset building. My general work flow now is a low to high process which goes as follows.
1. Model Character/Asset in Maya.
2. Take asset into 3D Coat and unwrap
3. Use zBrush to apply Diffuse and normal maps.
4. Edit new textures in photoshop, and also generate spec maps
5. Rig character (to the best of my abilities).
6. Weight paint (to the best of my abilities).
7. And finally animate.
Unfortunately I became extremely comfortable when it came to this work flow and neglected other possible tools when it came to creating game assets. During this research project I would like to explore areas I have either been too scared or too busy to try. I also have not spent nearly enough time rigging during my 3D career, and would also like to practice that more during this time. The list below identifies how I will construct a character, and possibly a bunch of assets as well.
1. Begin a sculpt in zBrush (never done before to a full character).
2. Export into 3D coat for retopo (The most I have ever retopoed is a rock).
3. Take back into zBrush and apply further details for normal map export (during this time Diffuse can also be created).
4. With my new model export to Maya and begin to build a rig with IK/FK switch (I have never successful done an IK/FK switch)
5. Look into possible mel scripts, or any other tools that may help me skin a character (I have skinned many timed before however I have never found it enjoyable nor are the results to the standard I would like)
6. Finally animate character.
(rinse and repeat this process for any game assets)
Hopefully by the end of this research project I will be competent in the process of High to low asset building.
I started off this project by concepting with the use of zSpheres.

Currently I have sculpted out my character and his details. Now he needs to be retopologised.

I would like to go on record to say that I atleast tried the zBrush re topology feature in zBrushR4 (because I haven’t updated to R4r, I’m not sure how much better it is in the update though). However I know that 3D coat is generally the software of choice, but seeing as I like to make things extra difficult for myself I am going to try a different software called TopoGun. I’ve heard about this and while I was watching a zBrush tutorial its name was mentioned so I though…why not.

I’ve been retoping for a while now in TopoGun and have just now gotten the hand of it. It has a number of interesting features such as the “Make faces tool” which basically creates polies for you and connects them to the nearest edge, if that makes any sense. It also has a Bridge function which basically just covers the area you select between 4 verts. There is also this interesting draw tool which seems to allow me to draw where I want my polies to be and it makes them for me however the “execute” function takes forever because it seems to scan every vert and edge to do this. So far its getting the job done, the only down side so far is that the symmetry tool doesn’t live update on the other side. I’m sure I haven’t learnt how to set it up properly just yet but that’s the only thing that’s ticking me off a little.

After using different programs to re-topo I then decided (inevitably) to jump back over to 3D coat. As this is the first time I have ever re-topoed anything of this scale, I spent a good couple of hours researching how I could possibly get out of it. This is what I came up with:
3D coat has this extremely powerful tool known as AUTOPO. As the word kind of suggest it is a tool that Automatically will re topo your mesh. After some extensive Googling and Youtubing learned how to get it to work, however it has its faults.
Step 1. Your going to want to import your OBJ. file as a AUTOPO mesh. File > Import > mesh for AUTOPO
Step 2. This process is actually done in the Voxels room. However if you import your mesh as I described in step one it will take you there automatically and set you up.
Step 3. Its very simple to get the AUTOPO tool working, all you have to do is follow the on screen wizard.

First you need to mark out the areas that will need more polies than other areas. For example the rings around the eyes, and the mouth on a character.

Next place down some lines for the direction of the topology. Basically this will help 3D coat calculate what direction your mesh should travel.

And then cabooomb you have a retopoed mesh. However we have issues. In many areas. In fact there were so many issues with this mesh that I decided it would take longer to take it into Maya and fix it up manually than to just retopo the whole mesh. So that’s what I did, but I thought I would teach you what I had learnt along the way. However if you were to make some kind of environment asset in zBrush like a rock face, you could use this to retopo it in seconds, and take it back into zBrush to finish your final touches. Below you can see the issues I was talking about earlier, not only in the back but the legs and arms. Also this process places five sided shapes on your mesh.

Currently I have now spent close to 5 hours learning how to retopo a model this large, and detailed. In the last hour or so I have picked up speed incredibly as I am learning what tools I like to use most to get the job done. I have also set up a bunch of hot keys and mah body is starting to automatically use them, so that’s fun.

I completed retopoing my mesh and took it back into maya. From here I then began to clean it up because I went a little crazy in some areas during my time in the retopo period. Originally the polycount was 11k and I got it down to a little under 6k without allowing it to look like it was made in 1999.

Now I will be moving on to putting details into my mesh after I uv unwrap him. From there I will begin to paint him and move onto rigging, please leave any helpful tips below if you have time 
But each to there own
I had a feeling the reason I didn't get the best results was because of me :poly141: I'm not too surprised. In some parts it didn't turn out too bad but I'm sure with a little more research into how to use it properly I could put it to good use. Thank you so much for your tips