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[Dota2] – Silencer – Face shield set

polycounter lvl 13
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Nix polycounter lvl 13
link to the workshop page: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=111504843



Original post:

The silly name is just a placeholder, but here you go.

I chose the Silencer out of three heroes I did test concepts for, here's the other two I considered:

And here's the Silencer. Gonna add the armguards too and change up the rest of the skirt part that's still the same as in the original.



  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I say top one on silencer def.
    Very nice!

    \/ Okay didn't know never played with that character or saw anyone use him.
  • Beezow
    $!nz wrote: »
    I say top one on silencer def.
    Very nice!

    The bottom one is default silencer.
  • agentfx
    looks good, the curve motif is working
  • foeffa
    That silence looks like a boss.
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    $!nz: Well I suppose I should take that error as a compliment, hah!

    Here's some work in progress, not too much yet but eh.

    I added a little bit of detail to the white part of his tabbard, I think it kinda works:

    Crits highly appreciated, btw!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    No real critics go go go and yes it was a compliment :).
    It was a good thing I never saw him running around, now I get to see some nice duds on him.
  • Lotto
    Goddamn that Silencer looks amazing. No real critiques either, just chiming in to support this awesome set. Keep it up :)
  • goosegous
    Wow, well done, love it. Let me think of protos in a good way.
  • Mike.j.c.
    You know you can submit all 3 as 3 different entries, it would tripple your chances ;)
  • Trakesh
    I don't like to post when its just mindless praise, but wow that's amazing.
  • marul
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    marul polycounter lvl 7
    Everything looks great except for the glaive, I think it's too round. You could try to play a little with the overall shape of it. I loved the other parts, keep up the good work!
  • zephyri
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    zephyri polycounter lvl 8
    Liking the overall motif for him! Would be curious to see a concept of a shield along the lines of that shoulder piece too... the shoulder has lovely lines to it that would lend itself well as a repeating element in the same way you've used the curve and the negative space in the helm and the current shield. No real crits thus far aside from agreeing with Marul about the overly round glaive.
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Mike: hah! That'd be nice if I could.

    Hmm I did intend for the round look on the glaive, is that a bad thing? Does it look bad, or is it just not how a glaive is supposed to look?

    Anyway here's a slightly updated design while I'm working on the model. I added the arm guards, did the rest of the skirt part, and did some minor tweaks overall.

    zephyri: Considering I drew the armguards in the same way as the shoulderpiece, I think maybe having that same design continue onto the shield as well, may be a bit too much? Idunno.
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Just wanted to show my LOD1 lowpoly while I'm working on the high:

    Made the weapon slightly less round, and less stupid looking overall I hope. :P Still have some tris left on the shield to round it off a bit later, if necessary.

    Crits welcome as always.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Looking good, only thing for me and it's not even worth mentioning cause it's fine right now but the helmet I thought the curve would be pulled up more standing tall (if you will, like in the middle concept.) probably just the angle of these screen-shots. very minor not even worth changing if you don't need to, looking good and yea use up all them triangles, I wish I had more to play with tbh. :)

    Weapon is looking sweet still!
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    You're right about that part, I had tweaked it already to stand up a bit higher, I might pull it up even more later.

    Some progress on the high:

  • Nix
    Offline / Send Message
    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Here's an update on the high before I start texturing. Almost all the detail is there except for some of the gold patterns on his robes.

    Thoughts, suggestions and crits still very welcome!hipolywip2.jpg
  • Futashia
    sweeeeeeet, love that shoulderpad!
  • crazyone
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    crazyone polycounter lvl 5
    nice shield and shoulder pads ) looking great
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13

    Just a little update on the diffuse so far:
  • Spudnik
    Offline / Send Message
    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Looking fantastic!
  • Bold Elf
  • gwaga
    Looking good. I hope you do that sand king one eventually too! Looks like a thorny devil, which is awesome :P
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    I'm afraid I'm not gonna have time to do another one, even though I'd like to :)

    Anyways thanks for the comments, here's some more progress. Crits still very welcome!
  • Caldria
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    Caldria polycounter lvl 8
    Loving that shield man! Are you gonna give the blue crystals some self-illumination at some point? for the bloom ingame.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great nothing to really comment on though I agree on the bloom, would make the gems look great.

    Can't really comment other than that, was going to say though (and might as well) that I feel the face could use something maybe an additional color perhaps on the eyes? something to break up the golden/yellow a bit more.

    For the ring style gold on his cloak? maybe either making the undersides darker or in between the lines darker, or darken every other one might help, then under the first row skip the everyother one under the original ones and make those the same darker color, think sort of checkered pattern, but still the golden style if you can pull that off, like use rose gold or something.

    I learned that if you really play with those other textures you can make a multitude of different effects and styles, you can check out the video of my weapon in my sig to see what I mean, just look at all the bits and see how many things I got going on with it, I thought it was pretty neat but no one has commented on It lol, guess it wasn't.

    Looking good man I know it can be a bit tougher when you don't have any concept artist working with you like some or don't have that kind of a starting background can make it tougher on anyone participating, especially trying to stand out when people start liking your idea so much they clone it then you no longer stick out...

    Anyway keep on keeping on, I love the set, maybe I've helped in some weird way.
  • Humblerbee
    This was my favorite Silencer set by far, what happened to it? Did you finish it?
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    I finished it, but I think I missed the deadline by a few minutes. Of course, when you're doing things at the very last possible minute, everything that can posibly go wrong, does! That'll teach me to start late like an idiot, haha. :(

    Thanks for the indepth comment. I didn't end up making a lot of changes, mostly due to lack of time, but I really do appreciate it. :) I did add some texture to the black parts. Though of course in my hurry I uploaded thumbnails to the workshop of older versions that didn't have this. D'oh!

  • Clyptic
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    Clyptic polycounter lvl 6
    Looks awesome!! It's to bad you missed the deadline : / You should still submit it soon to see if they will accept it anyway. I got my last set finished 20 minutes before the deadline...not fun, and the textures suffered some for it.
  • xandriusx
    try to upload it anyway guy!
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Oh, I did! I actually got the first couple of items in before the deadline (possibly 3 at least, which would qualify it as a proper entry, hah), but the submission process including the uploads slowed it down so that a number of them technically missed it. Also the collection was only put together afterwards.

    Looking back at it, I don't think it was even worth uploading, The whole thing is rushed, and it looks horrible with all the yellow. The problem is that I wanted to kind of stick to the original gold /yellow color the silencer has, but then I used way too much of it, when the original design only has accents and trims.

    (edit: looking back, it wasn't really bad at all. Just gotta tweak a few things.)

    Ah well, live and learn. Thanks for the comments!
  • mjjmlandingin
    well I say, submit it still, because you can submit items even without deadline anyway. just linkback to your original thread here on polycount , as respect to the contest.

    anyhow, The important thing on RTS games, is the outlines/silhoutte of the design, because even if you make pretty but cluttered details, it won't be seen that good from afar and will only look like noisy artifacts. Plus, RTS games, tend to have really small resolution for image maps(to save space) . Making a 4k map and shrinking it to 128x128, is really a big nono especially for maps designed to for hires viewing(that's why most game prefer DDS and TARGA). That's the limitation factor for game artists, yes it's pretty awesome, but can we get on the game?

    All I can say is, that silencer set is great.The color study is good even with the dominating yellow. It's good to see designs/schemes that is out of the box. not just looking at same schemed design all over again.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Hey don't knock your design I still love the general theme of it even with all the yellow it doesn't look like that much, just the shield and well a shield would be big so it makes sense. :)

    What you got going on with the shoulder I really love how that looks that soft fade man looks really nice I'd even go back in a few days and do that again, if it gets into the game perhaps Valve can allow you to update the textures which shouldn't be all that bad seeing as your not changing the geometry.

    Your choice though looks great.
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Like I said, I did submit it. :) Two out of the six items only got in past the deadline, and I only added a collection afterwards, as well as links to the wip thread, so I don't know if I'll be disqualified or what, but oh well.

    Anyway, I'm having trouble getting my items to preview in game so I can make a collection banner. I went through all the steps outlined in this thread, but any item I replace the default one with ends up invisible. The items work fine in the submission preview, just not in game. :/ Any thoughts?
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Try what I posted but I was also thinking, the only other thing, maybe you mistakenly saved the color.tga's to 32bit ? doubt you made that mistake but that probably would make them invisible if you did everything else correctly. I think even an alpha in a normal map would be bad, again not that you did that just pointing It out for the lurkers.
  • Nix
    Offline / Send Message
    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    I think I might have saved them as 32 bit, was this stated as being an issue somewhere? If I did though, wouldn't this mean the items also don't show up in the preview (mine do)?

    Either way, I'll have a look at this.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know what It could be, sorry I tried.
    Good luck though!
  • Nix
    Offline / Send Message
    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Well it finally just worked!

    By the way, turns out that a couple days ago, they changed the color of the Silencer from red to Hot Purple. Which I thought was hilarious. You can barely tell from his feet in the picture:

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Yea that color change sucks for anyone who made a set, really. :(

    If they allow sets with different colors that would be great I have a ton of ideas but I've been hearing not to stray from the default schemes.

    Hope they let your set in either way, looks good in-game :) congrats.
  • Naso
    They change the hot purple to a darker blush purple and it looks really really good, still have no idea what the terms on editing submissions are but if you didn't make it in time, go ahead and change it!
  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah now that the judging is over, I'm gonna go back and make it dark purple (the newest color looks good), it'll be trivial to do so anyway. And I can fix some stuff that I rushed in a hurry to get done. :P
    Caldria wrote: »
    Loving that shield man! Are you gonna give the blue crystals some self-illumination at some point? for the bloom ingame.
    I never even replied to this, sorry! But yes I made the crystals self illuminate, even though it's not that obvious in game (probably because the set itself is rather bright). Silencer's crystal on his default shoulderpiece also had the glow, I just followed that example.
  • bounchfx
    This one came out great, I think. Kinda odd that they changed the color of the hero during the contest though.

    my only crit is his necklace thing, the parts are all evenly spaced and I think it could be more interesting if you played with the spacing more. Outside of that minor complaint I really dig it. Great work.
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