I feel like I've taken another step in hard surface modeling because this is the most difficult thing I've done. However, I'm still spending too much time on blocking out the low poly. I thought I'd post what I had before I spent more time to see what everyone thinks.
Here's the reference

I know I only modeled half the circles in but other then how's my edge flow looking at the front half?

I've been working at ensuring the edge flow is even so when I slap a turbosmooth on for the high poly I can just delete unwanted edges. Is that how you'd go about it? Or just retopo the high poly? Another suggestion?
Edit: Also the mesh you posted wouldn't subd very well at all. Ngons plus topology that wouldn't result in a clean mesh.
The topology is not going to behave well with turbosmooth. Especially where the holes intersect with the interior curve. I might catch a few flames for suggesting this, but you might consider just booleaning out those holes from the high poly mesh since the edges of the holes are hard in the ref.
Also, I meant you should build the mesh without the holes, turbosmooth it, and then punch the holes in after the turbosmooth. Trying to keep holes perfectly round on a curved surface with turbosmooth is a nightmare.
I suggest you have a read through the subd thread to get an idea of how to tackle the harder subd stuff. You'll probably need more geo, as currently there isn't really enough to support a curved in the holes.
Plus you're lacking support loops ;P
TL DR!!!!
Sorry they're out of order. First off, you can see from picture 1 that there are slight imperfections in the curved surface. To be honest, I don't think you can get away with this type of mesh without SOME blips here and there.(feel free to correct me community!)
In picture 3 I show the important support loops I used to hold the curved shape. I send a single loop running vertically from the top and bottom of the knockout hole. For every other loop of the 8 sided hole I send a single loop running laterally down the length of the curved surface. This is to maintain the curvature at the rim of the holes. There is a set of radiating edges running out from the center of each hole. I found these necessary because the curved surface would stretch out long-ways at the top and bottom of the holes without them.
If you look closely at picture 4 you'll see a single loop running around the rim that is planar with the curved surface. This loop is essential. I found that no matter how many support-loops I added to the interior of the hole, I would always get this bulge in the curved surface without that one external loop. One trick to getting this loop planar with the curve is to cut it into the surface without worrying about whether its perfect. After that, turn on your edge snap in editable poly and scale it down until it's right up against the hole. Then, with edge snap still on, scale it up a bit and you'll get that loop around the rim that's planar with the curved surface.
Assuming this I'm made a correct topo of my high poly where would I go from here? Ghatz, you said you create your low and high separately. How would I apply that to this mesh? I understand that you want to maintain the silhouette though I'm not entirely sure I understand where the leniency lies with having to keep the smoothness 100% or if there can be slight angularities to the shape. I'll post a picture of what I mean if that doesn't make sense haha
So yeah just match a new mesh up as closely as possible within your polycount.
But yeah there is no "do it for me" button.
This is the difference in overall shape
I know you can't transfer smoothness from high to low meshes. I'll just have to had more geo to cut down the angular difference?
After weeks and weeks of trying to get the hole situation to work I've finally been able to sculpt. I spent about an hour putting some dents and scratches just to show some the combat usage the gun rail's been through. I'm gonna go back to work on the damage, but this was the first pass.
I used a custom brush someone else created so I want to go through the process of created my own brushes. Any scratches and cracks are placeholders.
I added surface noise using a default noise loaded in ZBrush. I want to make my own Alpha and use that for practice like the custom brushes.
Then I went to go work on the low poly to get ready for the bake. I'm not sure if I deleted enough edges. 2700 tris is a lot, especially since I don't have the rest of the model attached. I'm not even sure if I deleted the unnecessary edges correctly. I didn't want to keep going for fear I was wasting my time, but this is what I'm in the process of doing for the low poly.
If I continue down the process I have going I'm going to have a lot of triangles. Is that fine? I'm worried about the bake and whether or not I'll have issues later with the Normal Map.
Then I thought I'd try my hand at unwrapping. Ohhhh wow I'm not confident in this area what so ever. I put about 2 hours in and only have half of the model unwrapped. Most of the time was me just fighting with stitching and straightening edges for better clean up. The holes also didn't help.
How do you guys usually go about unwrapping? I feel like I was just selecting edges and hoping the selection would pelt properly or else I'd just quick planar map it. I know how to use the tools, just have no experience unwrapping anything more complicated then a box or barrel.
Here's the normal map
There's a reflection going on where the hole with the normal map's applied. I'm assuming I can fix that with a spec map? Plus the shading errors, that's just ray misses?
I did a test of the bake with the holes being in both the low and high poly. It looks just as good. The holes aren't as circular, but looks ok.