Hey Polycount. I'm working on my final character for school and I chose to go with a next gen adventure hero. Hopefully it will feel like it fits in with games like, uncharted, infamous or Desmond Miles from the assassins creed series.
I'm using this as an opportunity to learn male anatomy, so please critique my current progress.

I've really only focused on the torso and arms so far, but they are far from finished as well.
Guys tend not to have as protuberant posteriors as girls, and your is definitely sporting some junk in his trunk.
I'd say it looks like a fairly good, if stylized, sculpt. It feels a little off all around, but I can't place my finger on it. I might be imagining things.
I've been studying back anatomy off and on recently, and one thing I'd like to point out is...how the back is defined depends on the muscle/fat levels of the character. There are a lot of different lines, some created by muscles, some created by fat, and some created by bones. Which ones are dominant depends on the build of the character. Your character looks athletic, but not beefy. With that in mind, I don't think his traps or lats should stand out as much as they do, on his back, and I think his scapula should stand out much more.
Here's some ref.
I know this is an issue I had for a long time. A lot of anatomy reference tends to show only muscles on the back. Something to keep in mind is that the scapula is a MAJOR contributor to the shape of the back. It takes a lot of fat or a lot of muscle to cover it up.
I'm sick to death of muscular, generic bald dudes. We've had more than enough this generation. Give him hair or something at least!
the butt cheeks should be slightly smaller as noted.
also, looking at the pinky finger it reminds me of arshlevon's base mesh, did you use that as a starting point ?
pinky finger is too short right now.
Luke - How does this version look?
SCB - Thanks for the feedback! I spent some time on the legs today and hopefully everything is looking better now.
Dirigible - Back for more, egh?! Or I guess I should say, I'm back for more. It's funny you mentioned how anatomy reference tends to show really defined muscles on the back. I've always felt like something was off when I sculpt or draw anatomy simply by following that type of reference, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Hopefully this version looks a lot better! Thanks for opening my eyes to that simple truth. It helped quite a bit, I believe.
Locater - haha. No, I'm not going for the Max Payne look. He will actually have a bit of a messy fohawk.
MM - wow. You just amazed me.. and my wife. How in the world could you tell I used that base mesh by just the pinky?!!! I decided this time around I wanted more time for the anatomy sculpt so I skipped the base mesh stage and found his. You're crazy! I'm honored you even took the time to stop by. I have several of your pieces in my inspiration folder. Can't wait until I'm as good as you are! Did you ever end up doing a texturing tut on that pilot head? It would really come in handy in a week or two!
Tw1tch - What about now?
manilamerc - Thanks for the feedback. I made most of those tweaks and think it looks a lot better. But seeing how this is only my 3rd character, I don't think I would have much to offer as far as critiques go. Maybe some of the people stopping by here will drop you a line!
Ok, here is an update:
Starting to tighten in on the muscle groups now that most of my landmarks have been found. (I think!) The face, legs and hands are still lacking compared to the arms and torso, but please critique where they are currently.
Thanks again for all the help so far!
Next up for me is his pelvis. Right now the line you have going from his hips to his crotch is a mostly straight diagonal line. In real life, not so much.
Here's a paintover of a photo.
If we tried to make the line straight - like yours - he would have no junk.
That line (whose name I would know if I was better at remembering anatomical landmark terms) is less steep, in real life, and curves more.
Tw1tch - Thanks. I'm still tweaking and making changes, so hopefully the next update will look even better.
I'm sick - so I didn't get much done today. Just a small update on the face.
Still haven't touched the ear and hair but I'm starting to like where the face is headed.
**EDIT** Updated with perspective turned on
Thanks to everyone who helped me get it this far.
mr_ace - thanks for the tip, I updated the image above. I like your portfolio, especially the detail you put into that captain america character!
I still have 1 or 2 small pieces to block in, but here is an update with where I'm at. I was able to sculpt a bit of the jeans (I couldn't help myself), although they are not finished yet. This should give you a better idea of what I'm going for.
Crits welcomed as always!
Hey look its zyzz! Oh and are you referring to the adonis belt? A lot of guys actually dont have that,, its usually genetic + low bf.
I dunno about it being genetic. Did some quick research - the anatomical name is 'iliac furrow'. It's caused by the inguinal ligament, and is visible on both men and women. Beefy obliques/abs can make it more visible. Certain amounts of body fat can make it less visible. The fold where a large belly hangs over the pelvis starts at the iliac furrow.
The actual anatomical feature IS straight, running directly from the hips (the iliac crest) to the pubis. It's appearance isn't usually straight, however, since obliques/fat tend to make the top part more horizontal, and the lower part is covered by fat/genitals.
Ok. Small update today. I think I'm still in a funk from being sick so I haven't gotten as far as I wanted, but it's all good.. more meds and I'll be back at it tomorrow!
Crits welcomed as always.
Nothing is even close to final yet, but any crits would be awesome. I feel like his head is a bit too long, but I'm not sure.
Small update:
so bring his waist line down, bring his crotch down, eiden his thighs and knees, and narrow the flared part at the bottom and you'll have it
Mr_Ace - Thanks for the paint over. I knew I should have posted this in the first post, but here it is again, "George Munteanu helped me come up with the overall feel for the character, so he will have a smaller waist, normal shoulders and longer legs than the average male." So, basically you nailed it with your paint over!
With that being said, do you still think it needs some tweaking?