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[DOTA 2] - Sladar - Serpent Of The Tidal Sea

polycounter lvl 9
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Cartecher polycounter lvl 9
So i finally got the time to open my Dota 2 Contest post.

I started off with some rough concepts in PS, but decided to do the concepting directly in Zbrush.

Rough and fast sketching, developing forms, getting ideas...
Currently I am not really happy with those armor pieces.

Anyway it will be more of an organic/ ancient look, but still gives the appearance of heavy armor which is a barrier for any kind of weapon.

Also to get my Forum thread-name into the context, i´ll try to develop some kind of ancient engraving which the armor pieces will carry. Maybe some form of tidal waves or something near that.

Planned are the Shoulder guards ( don't know if 1 or 2 yet), Bracers and an ever more bad-assier mace.

Short screen i made after testing some spikes


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