Hi Folks,
been using maya 2013 for a new folio piece and I want to UV some bits before I start plonking them about.
I usually use the UV tool Xform by Stefan David
It is a really great tool and I use it a lot but on this version of Maya,the actual Xform window is too small and occludes a lot of the icons I need. Below is an image:
I have tried resizing the window to no luck and was wondering if anyone had come across the problem or knows how to fix it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have just uploaded a new version of XformUV (2.8). This version fixes some GUI problems with the QT interface of Maya 2011-2013.
You can download it here: Creative Crash
or here: sdv_xformUV_v2.8.zip
Stefan told me that a new version is uploaded to his site today.
go try it out
Hope that helps
Cheers for such a great tool as well.