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Slardar - TBD (Something piratey)

polycounter lvl 5
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Skibur polycounter lvl 5
Hi there.

I originally wanted to do something with Tidehunter or Kunkka, but they're both out, so Slardar is the next pick for the sea theme I'm keen on.


For a weapon I'm thinking of a mace comprised of a barnacle covered, rusty cannon skewered on a ships mast.
For some armour/weapon to add to his tail I was playing with the idea of attaching with rope or chain the skeleton of a pirate clutching scabbards in each hand to flail around.
I'm still unsure as to what to do for shoulder or head armour. Any ideas that run in line with the pirate/sunken wreckage/treasure theme?
I'm thinking wood, rope, chain, sail, sea creatures (like an octopus or crab) etc... Treasure?

Any issues with my choice of theme in regards to the lore of the hero?

I've done a few sketches in my notepad, but will do some proper concepts after work and upload them for c&c.

Cheers :)


  • shanks37
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    slardar is an undersea treasure guard. some of that has to be pirate booty so this makes perfect sense. anyone disagrees, you let me at em.

    i'm pretty sure that the mast idea is going to look funny on him though because of the scale. keep in mind that he's roughly human sized so its probably going to end up looking like he ripped it off a dingy.

    i'd go more for making him look like a straight up pirate than the salvage aspect personally. maybe give him a coat draped over his shoulders and a davey jones style tentacle beard to go with his moustache. as long as you make it badass enough nobody will say anything. :P
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