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Stockwells' First Scy Fy Hallway - Crits Welcome

Hey all,

I've been working on this project for a couple of weeks now and It's been slow going until recently. I have to have this finished by next week so I thought it was time to post something for critiques.

Project Mission:
I'm trying to make a still shot portfolio piece here, from concept to finished render. I can post the concepts if anyone would like to see them. Practice making props with good hi-polys and thought out modularity for an enclosed environment. As soon as I'm done with the hi-poly bakes, I'll be taking this into UDK and then getting started on the textures. Still a few asset's still need to be completed, specifically the ceiling.

As always crits welcome and I'll be posting an update in a day or two, hopefully by then it will be in UDK with better lighting and first pass textures.




  • nedwork
    I would love to see the concept. I feel like you can use a few more tris to make wall more rounded.
  • Stockwell
    Hey everybody,

    Will be having lots of updates in the next few days, this project is due on Tuesday. Time to hit the grind on textures!!! Here's what little work I was able to get done today, a first pass on the diffuse, specular and gloss maps for the floor pieces. I fixed the Normals on the walkways to make it feel like two inset paths lead to the two separate sides of the doors. I think it helps make the door work a little better.


    Here were some quick concepts I sketched up when I started to have a better idea to go off of.





    I had a teacher do a quick paint over which helped me with some lighting and texturing ideas. After I get first pass textures on everything in the next day or two, I'll put the scene in UDK and go for the emmissives. Then final texture detail.
  • Stockwell
    It's been slow going so far this week while finishing up the last of the Unwrapping and High Poly Baking. I got most of my modular pieces into UDK, blocked out my lighting, and threw what textures I did have in as well. Gunna be hitting the grind hard come tonight after work and through the weekend.

    If anyone has any critiques, suggestions, or tips to help make this scene look great that would be awesome. I threw up some pictures, the first of my modular floor set, with second pass textures, and the second and third of my UDK scene. The third has some notes on it, if anyone could point me in the right direction of fixing those shadows It would be much appreciated.

    Thanks everybody!




  • Stockwell
    Got more work done today including more second pass textures, more spec and gloss maps and I added the emmisives. I feel like the scene is way blown out by my lighting right now, which is what I'm currently working on. I'm trying out different combos of point lighting and "use emmisive for static lighting" but can't find the contrast I want out of this piece.

    This is what my scene looks like in UDK:


    And this is what I did in Photoshop with a curves layer to try and replicate the lighting I want:


    Any tips on grasping some better shadows and lighting?

    Much obliged for critiques and criticism, this is due on Tuesday.

  • Stockwell
    Hey guys, last day before I have to have this finished. Get to work for the next hour, then I have actual work :poly127: but then I'll come back to work till 1am. Wake up at 4am, get back to work and have it finished by 8 tomorrow :poly121:

    I got lighting I am happier with, but still not quite, so anymore suggestions on the lighting based off of the first screengrab and my paintover would be fantastic. I also decided to add a few pieces of trim, and a skylight into space.

    C n C welcome as always!!!

    UDK Screengrab:




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