So here's some poop I've been working on for the last few days. If you can guess the characters then that's awesome ^^ (and if not it means I suck :P).
I'm trying to go alot more basemesh heavy on these too. I'm finding shit turns out alot cleaner and it's something I gotta work on.
Super rough first pass on the first one, plain basemeshies on the second and first pass on link too.
Also SD link is totes me just ripping off
Marty Seefeldt's awsome pic ( Just had to do somthing fun and cute on saturday, help break up the "realistic-ish" chars.

They look great!
the legs on Morgan looks a tad bit short to me. it could be the length of the jacket throwing me off but still you may wanna double check it.
Great work
MM: yay thank you, good call on the leg length (and that you got morgan freeman ^^).
traumwelt: cheers. all credit should go to marty for making such an awesome concept
nyx702: thank you
retleks: good point, i tried pulling up the inner elbow folds a bit. They were starting too low which might've thrown things off (hopefully better)
Jess: haha cheers, will do :P
bbob: thanks man ^^ (haven't seen you around in a while
Iamar: ta
Guedin: that would make the greatest character ever : D (and i'll finish if you finish your two latest character
ceebee: not if i destroy you first :poly121: (it's on)
afisher: totes, same here (awesome to see you still making stuff regularly btw, still back in aus?)
garriola: yay you got the other one ^_^
thanks for all the replies and feedback.
Tried fixing captain morgan's proportions, tho i might've made it worse in places. Folds still feel a bit messy in places and i realized i need more proper form in certain areas, mostly around the crotch and butt area. Gotta move onto the head and hands too, where shit gets crazy hard.
And some really weak polypainting and slight tweaking on heather
I'm doing her too, but much worse than you do.
SCB: good call, i smoothed and tweaked that bridge area a bunch so i wont forget
JimmyRustler: haha, thanks man. And i get what you mean, the original version looks sooo damn good ^_^
Saman: ah yeh, i keep noticing stuff is pulled down a bit much there, ill make sure to slap up more shots in a bit.
Soooooo here's the head. The more i worked on it the less it looked like captain morgan so i dunno what to do
Hopefully more link tommorow too, wanna do big chunky folds and some cool shader junk on an eventual low poly
A couple of things that caught my eye. The crease on his left leg, just below the jacket looks slightly out of place, whether it's because it looks a bit deep or if it's because there aren't any other subtle creases next too it I'm not sure. As for ole' capt'n Morgans face, I think the bridge of his nose is a bit too defined and needs to slightly flatter, while the nostrils/wings need to be wider and thicker. Depending on the age you're aiming for, his jawline to chin area could be rounder and the dimple indents could be moved up closer to his cheeks.. here are a few of the images I was looking at:
Anyway that's my 2 cents worth, keep rockin it man. Looking forward to your next update
anyways ugh, been super lung sick last 2 weeks, missing a few days of work. Sucks that i'm out of vaca days and shit's painful, but i do get a little bit of time for arts i guess ^^
Did a morgs bake and laid out my base psd (ended with 6.9k tris, maybe bumps up to 7k with mouth interior biz). And finally got back to linku sculpt (just gotta do his hair and some smaller deets). Texturing and shader biz should be really fun
Texturing for both Morgan and Heather are off to a great start.
I'd say Morgan has gone a bit hollow around the cheeks so may be worth checking again if it's not too late. And the folds around his butt seem rather harsh for a convex shape - the deep wide creases would either not exist or be not as deep.
Keep on keepin on!
As for your Morgan Freeman piece I've gotta agree that some of the creases/folds are a little strong, especially the elbows and the lower arse area.
Maybe try and take a square of standard blue you find in normal maps onto a new layer over the folds and play with the "fill" in the layer options. That should give you some extra control over the creases, rather than going into zbrush/mudbox again and making the alteration.
Also I'd maybe consider giving him fuller cheeks as well. Just pull the verts out a tad.
Stellar work as all ways mate. keep at it.
whw: ^_^ thanks man. And good call, ill try both tweaking the low pol/maps or just doing a rebake for those areas.
Jeremy Tabor: thank you
haikai: haha, same dude (gotta finish at least one thing)
Disarray: ^_^ Aye good idea, will be easier if it can be quickly tweaked on the low pol
Hmm I'm still really sick, waiting for the results of my chest xrays. So been feeling really tired and poots latley, hard to work/focus.
Did a low pol for link and some base maps. Am super keen to get onto the material setup biz (in udk), and i need a better monitor at home so i can do actual texturing
Love your link. It's so fun and has so much great details. My only design crit is give him little feel. The stumps are freakin me out o_O
gannon: haha yeh i gotta pull them out a bit :P
brad: thanks dude, tho i swear i've gotten even worse :P
did some really quick udk experimenting before. No proper textures yet, its just some 32bit mask channels texture things and messing with random values.
Gotta make sure to texture freeman tommorow too, finishing style :poly142:
(anyone have tips on getting spec hits on eyes facing the camera better (some sort of camera vector junk?), also how to get a decent half lambert setup going?)
Sucks to hear you're sick, hope they'll be able to patch you up after the x-ray results come in.
Anyways, still kinda sick but whatevs. Been messin with udk a bit more, still looks p bad but did just go over the airborne thread with a mini comb and got a lot more i wanna do ^^
And did some more stuff on morgs and started working on heather again too, so can probs post a little more and start finishing junk propido.
I would say, you should try to do more perfect shapes and clean surfaces. The eyelids for example are not clean, as the hair.
For the end of the scabbard, maybe some Hpolish could correct that, giving a sharper look.
I agree, since this is more of a cartoon / stylized character. I would have the face shape more smooth and clean. Keep it up and get better man!
Because I am a stupid artist the way I fake it is by shining a dim light right at the face. The illumination on the face itself will be almost negligible (and in some ways it might even help artistically), and the intensity doesn't have to be high to get a decent specular highlight from it. I figure that's probably how photographers do it in real life too.
This probably wouldn't work if your character is going to be running around and stuff, but for just a presentation shot it could be an easy solution.
texelion: dude defs ^^ thanks for that, hopefully I can fix with some vert pushing on the weekend, forgot to reexport after the feet changes too :O
Iciban: totes, ty ^^
haikai: thats an awsome idea, kinda like sticking those circley lights on the camera in those kpop vids, thanks for that man ^_^
Quick update from last night on fraiman. Still really rough but wanna get some proper stuff done on the weekend.
And finally resolved some lightmap junk with link and did those mesh tweaks. Gonna make a pedestal, some better mat setup then wrap that up too i hope ^^
And mini update on heather too.
Header's forearm might be a bit too short but that might just look like that because of those wristbands she is wearing.
Link looks Amazing!
If Nintendo would do a new Zelda Game with this type of Graphic... what would be very nice!
You and Ravenslayer are killing me with your art powers. The two of you are really inspiring me to get better.
Keep going dude, I am super keen to see some more. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Loving all the updates,but I can't really wait to see your finished Heather model, because she's my all time favorite female character.