basically, I have this reasonable simple convex editable poly (only 14 tris) that I want to map a bunch of spheres to. The poly is very irregular, so using a spline is not an option.
Is there a "create patch from selection" button or something along those lines (since there is a "create spline from selection"? or maybe a way to convert a poly into a patch.
Remember, i need it to be a LEGAL patch, so that it doesn't error out when I use a WSM patch deform on it.
I've actually been wanting to test this script out for this very reason but haven't had the chance to.... Let me know how it goes.
Edit: yes this turns it into nurbs but you can use the surface deformer with nurbs just like the patch deformer I think
It created it for me but it seems the macroscript doesnt call it for some reason.
You can drag that mse file into your viewport and it will bring up the dialog so you can test it out.