Hello guys,I decided to try using Maya's viewport 2.0 as a renderer for my animation rather than mental ray which would take a very long time.I imported the main model and the environment rendered playblast separately into AE and the rest of the post processing was done in AE.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAscr92uvbk&list=UUPUnC7Eqb7wMhEU26Vz9VJg&index=1&feature=plcp"]13 vs 7...It begins. - YouTube[/ame]
I had to compress the final video to reduce file size for uploading.If not,it looks way better.I kinda screwed up with the audio and sfx.
Would appreciate any feedback.Thanks.
The second issue is the camera cuts. Honestly when she is falling I have no clue what direction she is falling in, or how she is oriented. You flip, rotate, and cut the camera is ways that kill any type of orientation in the shot so I have no clue what is going on. It gets even worse when she is fighting the turret because you cross the axis of action so many times.
The animation is really weak because you have little sense of weight or timing in her movements, and lots of popping and sliding. Stick with the fundamentals of animation first and get those down before you try to do some 2 minute long action sequence. The bouncing ball, walk cycle, run cycle, platform jump, and stuff like that. If you can't do those well, and understand why those are all key to learning animation then you will never be able to animate a 2 minute long action sequence. I am a modeler and I suffered from the same trap as you when I was learning it early on, and still a little bit now, of wanting to do massive projects. I wanted to make huge ass environments with all this awesome stuff when I barely understood any fundamentals yet.
Sorry for sounding like the bearer of bad news but keep working at it dude. Only can get better from here so keep working.
The room animation is actually an intro for my animation logo.
Decided to re render the 13 vs 7 animation I did with new music I composed using Flstudio.