I've got the following strange (at least to me) problem with udk:
I've had the problem that I wasn't able to place objects (static meshes) in my scene by dragging them from the content browser into the viewport. In another case, I
could do exactly that and I have no idea how that case was different from the other.
This is what I did just now:
opened UDK (March 2012) and opened a new map
saved the map (as "riad" in a new folder also called "riad" in the UDKgame/content folder
imported meshes as static meshes to a group in the scene's folder
i get this in windows explorer and udk's content browser:
the meshes seems to imported perfectly fine, i can view them udk's static mesh editor.
however, i can't drag them into my scene. the cursor turns into that 'forbidden'-sign (however it is actually called)
placing meshes from udk's meshes or my own meshes from another package into the scene works fine.
I would assume that the problem is some kind of issue related to the paths of my package.
I would therefore really appreciate it if someone could give me some advice or try to give me a better understanding of udk's file system...
Did you find any help for your problem yet anywhere else?
I experience the same problem. I cannot drop meshes into the scene, apply any materials I import or create - not to imported meshes, not to udk-produced primitives...
From time to time I cannot save my packages for any reason I dont understand. So I cannot load/unload packages either... Some tip I read was playing with that...
I already tried all I can think of: create new packages or levels, with same names, different names whatever...
Still searching the web. No solution yet.
Sir_Dillon - you cant save the map package from content browser, map package save using the button on toolbar. External package, however, save using the content browser.
Sorry for the complete noob question, but I have the same issue, and I was wondering how I can save my asset to an external package? I thought I did this, but I still can't place it in the scene, so I thought maybe I haven't done what you said and just misunderstood.
Oh wow, now i understand (and feel really dumb). I just jumped headfirst into UDK and didn't take the time to understand the extreme basics like this. Thank you so much for that thorough explanation.
Its been a while. And since I last fumbled wit the UDK I have had a lookout for a reasonable structure of folders and stuff where to save my files and where to import them from. Cant say whether I do it all right at the moment, but I did not have these Issues again so far.
The last comment has some last good guidelines. Thank you for that, too!