I've been working on this environment for about 2 months on and off and I think its getting into final stage of completion. Any comments, critiques, suggestions to make this piece better will be welcome. Thank you
Uh one thing I just noticed, I think I should light up the shadows a bit
shiiiit thats looks tight dude! I love it. I wouldn't have the plant leaves up close to the camera in the first render though :P You can see the geometry and its distracting lol. But yeah totally cool. I like the pipe shadows and that stuff. But I think your right in saying some of those ceiling shadows need to be lightened up, looks kinda weird with that much contrast I think. But yeah, nice detail!
I really can't say a whole lot from an experienced point of view, I am still learning but, I really like the clean sci-fi styles I am running into.
Mind you this is coming from an un-experienced perspective but, it would seem as though you need more geometry to support the shapes you are going for instead of depending too much on normals and baked OA for depth on some objects.
Can you show the wires? (More for my own learning)
Oh my god...this is stunning. Seriously, words do not describe my love for the visual style that you've achieved.
As has been said, the close up of the plants kinda ruins that shot, but other than that I love it.
Thanks guys for the feedback I really appreciated. At the moment I'm gonna be fixing minor things I noticed and I will definitely not do a screenshot with he plants in front lol thanks for that, then I will show some wire frames and textures Also, I was thinking on making a tutorial or the creation of this environment while taking advantage of some features of DX11 and normal baking + Normal maps with nDo2. Let me know if you would be interested
Thanks guys for the feedback I really appreciated. At the moment I'm gonna be fixing minor things I noticed and I will definitely not do a screenshot with he plants in front lol thanks for that, then I will show some wire frames and textures Also, I was thinking on making a tutorial or the creation of this environment while taking advantage of some features of DX11 and normal baking + Normal maps with nDo2. Let me know if you would be interested
Mind you this is coming from an un-experienced perspective but, it would seem as though you need more geometry to support the shapes you are going for instead of depending too much on normals and baked OA for depth on some objects.
Can you show the wires? (More for my own learning)
As has been said, the close up of the plants kinda ruins that shot, but other than that I love it.
Can you post your flats?
(Now grime it up like in the concept