Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and to UDK generally. I am learning through forums and tutorials but I have a big issue around the material editor.
I dont have any experience with it and I basically dont know how to work with it. I was wondering if there is anything that could help, any tutorial, any other program which I should learn before UDK..
I just want to know where to start :]
That aside, UDK's "material editor" is a node based editor that allows you to create shaders without having to write them in HLSL. It's all basic vector operations but it might be helpful to read up on linear algebra to get an understanding of what's going on behind the scenes.
This link really helped me understand how shaders work.
Using UDK's editor, you can quickly create very complex visual FX that would be a pain in the ass to code by hand.
ETA:These UDK documents will get you going in the right direction.