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[Dota 2] - Witch Doctor - TBD



  • Tdank
    in game shot of helmet, used some of the hair jiggle bones to give some secondary action to the strapped on jaw.

  • Tdank
    Update on the belt and shoulder importing tests.
    also got a better in game view of the head.
  • Tdank
    Anyone know how to solve this issue? The default witch doctor bag is being displayed when I got to submit my custom bag. I think its because the default bag takes up the slots for both back and shoulder but I'm not sure.

    I'll just paint weights around it for the time being i suppose!

  • Farfarer
    Offline / Send Message
    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    The default bag takes up the slot for shoulder (he's not got a default back item - just empty space for custom ones).

    Are you passing yours in as back or shoulder?
  • Tdank
    Ah ok, yeah mine is a back slot Item, I guess it'll just be in the way during the in game submission phase. Wish I had found it out sooner since I really could have used the extra uv space and polys on the pouch instead of the shoulder lol.

    Thanks though! Your black crow set is awesome :D
  • Farfarer
    Offline / Send Message
    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Heh, yeah, it's not too obvious what's what with the empty slot (and the bag sort of spans them both).

    Thanks dude. Looking forward to seeing yours all finished up too - that staff's just too cool :D
  • Tdank
    ugh, after about 4 hours I got the weighting to work well enough for the back, now I just need to tweak those maps, getting a little too much spec on it.

  • Tdank
    Made some last color adjustments to the textures to help "unify the palette". Now to go to work and when I get back I'll upload finally (assuming no major catastrophe or internet shortage, wouldn't that be something)

  • Tdank
    made a title card, now uploading set!

  • Tdank
    Finally done, Here is the link to the workshop page!


    Thanks for the help/feedback everyone!
  • Tdank
    Judging by the workshop ratings so far there is definitely room for improvement with my designs but I haven't had many comments/critiques as of yet.

    Any suggestions for this or any future sets? I had a lot of fun doing the contest and look forward to making many more items but wanted to get some guidance insofar as where my focus should be. Right now I'm thinking that simplifying my designs would be first on the agenda. I definitely learned a lot about what does/doesn't work at these polycounts and UV map scales.

    So once again I am really looking for some crits here but thanks again for the feedback I did receive and can't wait to start another set, hopefully a courier as well at some point since that would involve what I actually do (Animator).
  • Spudnik
    Offline / Send Message
    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    I love the designs and the models for the most part except for the head and maybe the shoulder. I'm having a really hard time seeing what the headpiece is and it looks kinda blocky, same applies to the shoulder.

    The other pieces, however, are awesome in the design and modelling departments but I think the biggest problem with them is the texture. Again, it's really hard to tell the different parts apart, I think you went a bit too 'realistic' with it. Bold contrasting colors will get you a long way in Dota.
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