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[Dota2] – Ogre Magi – Lil' Rascals

polycounter lvl 5
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dproeder polycounter lvl 5
Update 10/25


Since Bloodseeker is NOT on the list... I choose to Do Something with Ogre Magi



There will be more fire crackers and a whoopie cushion attached to his belt.

I might add a Handshake Buzzer Prop on his right hand and Candy Cigs strapped to his Left sholder

A few concerns I have,

Making a full shirt as his back piece. Worried about poly budget, and deformation during animations.

If its OK to make his suspenders his "Arms" piece.


  • deolol
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    deolol polycounter lvl 6
    this can only end badly
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Awwww! I have a new fan. Care to elaborate there?
  • Clyptic
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    Clyptic polycounter lvl 6
    It's a really funny idea, but I'm pretty sure they won't accept this into the game. They tend to stick to "serious" themes that semi fit the lore.
  • Lam
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    I think this is an awesome idea, and on the (unfortunately) off-chance that this got accepted I would totally buy it.
  • DashXero
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    DashXero polycounter lvl 11
    With something like this, you wouldn't even need to taunt a defeated opponent.
  • Beezow
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    I feel there's the need to be realistic for a second:

    Valve removed the Alpine Ursa set from the game because it looked too silly.
    There is no doubt this set is sillier than the Alpine Ursa set.

    Do you see where I'm going? I dont want to insult you at all, but you're likely wasting time and talent.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Ahhh. Yeah I play League of Legends. Their skins can get whacko, which is what I love. And from some of the themes from the TF2 contest... What the hell is wrong with the Dota community. Lol. Well I still love this character's theme. I'll rework something.
  • zenmode
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    dproeder wrote: »
    Ahhh. Yeah I play League of Legends. Their skins can get whacko, which is what I love. And from some of the themes from the TF2 contest... What the hell is wrong with the Dota community. Lol. Well I still love this character's theme. I'll rework something.

    Because dota isn't a joke game? There are no clown skins for Pudge because that wouldn't fit, it would be just LOLRANDOM XD and cater to 12-year-olds. Seriously, people aren't criticizing designs like this because they dislike them (or the creator), but they won't get into the game, honestly. You'd be wasting your time not following a character's design and background.
  • Swordz
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    I understand, but this is not LoL, so no LoL funny skins. This completely ruins the "serious" artstyle of the game and makes it look like a 9 year old developed it.
  • Beezow
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    dproeder wrote: »
    Ahhh. Yeah I play League of Legends. Their skins can get whacko, which is what I love. And from some of the themes from the TF2 contest... What the hell is wrong with the Dota community. Lol. Well I still love this character's theme. I'll rework something.
    I know exactly what you mean, though I dont think it has to do with the community. Certain games have certain art directions they should be following, some more, some less serious.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    I've decided to keep going with the design. If its not judged or thrown out, who cares. This is my personal work, and I'm not really going to let it get stifled. Anyways its an easy design, so it will be a nice and relaxing first step into DOTA 2 modding. Maybe I'll have time left over to do a more acceptable concept.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    I wanted to suggest you change the rubber chicken weapon, because I don't believe ogre magi has physics simulation enabled for his weapon. So a static rubber chicken that doesn't behave like the fish offhand on tide-hunter I feel will lose a lot of the comedy you're going for.

    Just something to think about :)
  • JGcount
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    Cool that you are continuing with it, even though it probably wont even be concidered - as people have been saying.

    I suggest you change to rubber chicking into an oversized lollypop.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Things I've considered for the weapon so far:

    - Wiffle Ball Bat
    - A Branch Holding a Stone Tablet with the phrase " Eye Wont Doo Bad Stuf"
    - Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle ... used as a club.

    I love the lollypop idea too. I'm going to continue modeling out the low poly stuff. When I get to the weapon, I'll start drawing out some silhouettes.

    Here is my progress so far.

  • foeffa
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    Lam wrote: »
    I think this is an awesome idea, and on the (unfortunately) off-chance that this got accepted I would totally buy it.

    ^ What this guy said.
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    Update. I have the majority of my base models made. Next Steps are-

    - Concept out a better weapon.
    - Zbrush some stuff up.
    - Optimize my LOD models
    - Texture

  • Futashia
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    I love the name of your set, you lil rascals!!!
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    hehe I like the picket fence for a belt section. Nice touch :)
  • dproeder
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    dproeder polycounter lvl 5
    They will actually be Firecrackers. Hard to read without the texture right now.
    artquest wrote: »
    hehe I like the picket fence for a belt section. Nice touch :)
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