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[Dota2] - Antimage - TBD

So I've decided to go for the Antimage, since I like his weapon type.
I'm thinking of heavily incorporating scrolls, sigils/runes, and Taoist symbolism.

Today I dipped my toe in the water with a few weapon designs. A few of them I imagined the blade being enhanced by rolls of scrolls scintillating with power. I may play around with the idea of a reverse dagger-grip and normal short sword hand-grip for his weapon style. Not sure if it would come out right on the animation, but I'll keep doing more silhouettes tomorrow and decide.

Also had to speed rush this design out of my head when it came to me. I'm liking the idea of him getting his ability powers from the scrolls that he grabbed from the monastery. I really want to emphasis that aspect of his background story; as his main source of power.
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