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[Dota 2] Lina -TBD

Hey guys! I've decided to join the competition and attempt to make an item for Dota 2. After seeing all these insanely amazing submissions I realise mine will be lackluster but it's worth the practice nonetheless!

Anyway! To begin with I've chosen Lina- after assessing her existing items and seeing what can be modified, I noticed that you can't really change her chest armor making it a focal point to base other items around, so I wanted to make an extenstion to her existing armour. I also wanted to give the impression of classiness, if that's even a word! Getting inspiration from Jessica Rabbit and long dress things.


Hair style I'm aiming for, looks tidy and neat:

Started work with base mesh to achieve a strong silohette:

That's all so far. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have, I'm having trouble finding ways to get detail into it without cluttering her looks. Thanks!


  • DesireeFernandes
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    DesireeFernandes polycounter lvl 7
    I like the overall design, but I suggest you be cautious about the skirt. I can't exactly tell, but it looks like you're using planes so far. That's fine, but keep in mind that the inside of the skirts will be invisible, because Dota 2 doesn't support double-sided planes. What you could do is either add geometry or double up your planes back to back, with a little room in between them.

    Good work and good luck!
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