Hey all! For the last 2 years ive been at Gas Powered Games working on Age of Empires Online. I primarily handled the low poly modeling of almost every unit after GPG took on the project. I figured I would share the work I did with everyone.
I will be updating my blog and this page with the work within the coming weeks so check back for new stuff soon!
Babylonian Villagers:

Babylonian In-game lineup:

Babylonian Sapper:

In game:

AOEO In game Store:

Babylonian Caravan:

In game:

Babylonian Transport and Fishing boat:

In game:

Celtic Stone Thrower:

In game:

Random images:

(I do think this needs to be in the Pimping & Previews forum though?)
Sorry, never had a polycount account. If it needs to be moved maybe a mod could move it? I saw "showcase" and posted, lol.
Looks like a lot of fun! (well, except all the crunchtime and stuff)
This is even lowpolier than warcraft 3
Was very impressed with the texturing when playing
awesome lowpolywork, really lovely stuff!