I am part of a CryEngine Game development team that are working with the CryEngine 3 Free SDK. I am working on a mountain (or Cliff) base. Most of the base is underground so most of it will not be shown. I am working on the main structure of the base (i.e. walls, ceilings support beams and so on) but I am not sure what I should add. So far I have a Infirmary, and a Air Hanger (which will be one of the two possible exits from he base). I would like feedback from other people with possible ideas and such. Here are some images of what I have so far. Here is a image of the air hanger: Here is a image of a hallway that turns into infirmary:
Like I said, so far I have some hallways, a air hanger and a medical infirmary. I am going to add a Armory, a Barracks, a Command Center and a Center for Operatitons. But those will be later. I am more asking for recommendations for how to make the base seem more...military-ish. The base is for a futuristic game and I am trying to give off that feel. As of right now there are not textures (as you can see) because they will be added later. So I would really appreciate advise and suggestions on how to make the base look better. Thoughts, comments?
If you run out of ideas, go to some place where you can find concept art that will stimulate your inspiration, http://cghub.com/ is a a great place. Its kinda hard to give any advice when you only have a grey box layout to show. Start to do some texture atlases, more refined mesh pieces and then ask for more critique.
Did anyone see this topic? I would like to have some advise on this model. Does anyone have any advise that they can provide?
I will keep going with the modeling and post more images when I get more done.
Thanks again and stay tuned for more images.