Sorry if this was brought up before. I am forced to use max2012,2013, just wondering if there are any plugins or hacks to make the UI minimal. Not something insane that redoes the entire UI but something that could toggle the visibility of the bottom and top bars. (The script/view options at the bottom, and the thick header at the top with the useless help/search options).
Nvrmind, in expert mode, the Ribbon was hiding my Main toolbar, so i just dragged it to the side.
A must have ..
Jim Jagger's JJtools collection pack has a nice solution for cycling through coordinate systems.
Inside, he has a couple functions called Clever Move, Clever Rotate, Clever Scale.
To cycle through the coordinate systems, all you do is you keep hitting your hotkey that is bound to that function.
i do it similarly - minimised interface, most commonly used few functions as hotkeys, functions that you use once in a while as quad menu/menu bar/tab bar entries (you don't switch coordinate systems every couple seconds?). soon you'll find that you only need to go back into the command panel for very few things. back in the days of single monitors i was hiding the command panel almost constantly, now with big dual screen setups i shove it onto the second monitor, together with other floating windows, visible all the time.
I use only one quad menu and just put all my most used functions on there.
And now thanks to expert mode and some tweaks, max is looking grea....decent
Just need to find a way to lock max into expert view with the current toolbar placements, because on max start it's back to normal view.
No I select sub object with 1-6 on the keyboard, those are there as backup or in case I'm already in the quad.
McGreed linked that thread erarlier, but the above is a link to a comment in the thread that you might find handy.
- open MAxscript Editor
- Put this two lines
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40264" -- Views: Expert Mode Toggle
actionMan.executeAction 0 "408" -- show command panel
- Save this as a script with desired name. For example ExpertModeWithCommandPanel.ms
- paste ExpertModeWithCommandPanel.ms to maxroot/scripts/startup folder
- Restart 3ds max.
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for