In school I got a assignment to make a level with a character which could walk around in smaller engine known as: Tengine. Our major restrictions are that the playercamera must only see less than 50 000 visable triangles..
This is one of the NPC characters which I will put in the worlddemo. I am working a little bit backwards when I kind of started with the NPC but its okay because I will start with the rest anytime and we got a few weeks to go

The NPC polycount limit is 4000 but my char is around 6000, which is a minor problem for now

More images and information about the world will be coming up!

The potbot will be extremely small. The main character will be another robot that is a little bit bigger than the averge human.
To bad I want this cool zoom effect when some lens mech part move in and some moves out out while it tries to correct its depth of field and zoom ability >:I
When we first got the assignment we got randomized highconcept characteristics which we had to implant in our character. My words were: A weak journalist with no friends. It was a fun challenge to try get the lonely and weak feeling on the character
They characteristics might be a little to subtle. They are more shown in the first concept picture than the WIP 3D model.
(Ps: The highconcept words were in swedish. While the word weak could been skinny, nonmusclar or pushover, the swedish word was: klen)
The level can be as large as possiable, but only 50 000 can max be shown. Which I am going to divide the levels into sectors so the engine loads upp specific parts when the player entersthe designated areas