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[Dota 2] - Drow Ranger - TBA

polycounter lvl 17
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duoxan polycounter lvl 17
so i threw together some thumbnails, kinda just winged it. drew whatever came to mind, even if it didnt make sense. noticed that the arms turned out pretty light in terms of armor, so i may do a few more. hope to get to the shoulders and bow tomorrow. appreciate any feedback/ideas.



  • danidem
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    danidem polycounter lvl 11
    "... noticed that the arms turned out pretty light in terms of armor, so i may do a few more. "

    moar? ·_.

    They are looking interesting, but with that many shapes, even you are going to find hard choosing the right one.

    Tip that may help: Don't scatter your energy everywhere doing random concepts. It's cool when you are out of ideas to make many designs and play with shapes.

    But try focusing in a few themes and explore them. Some very random examples: Ice eagle, nomad ranger, killing stalactite from hell set...

    Then, look for some references (references are always important if you are doing something that you never did on the past, something new to you!) and go for it.

    Then with a more defined idea and a few concepts (4-5-6) you should ask for feedback if you are not too confident. Sometimes you get the "right one" at first glance. Other times, you get it after the try nº100. Or you get it never, and you find yourself in the bath drowing your Wacom deep in the water shouting to it I LOVED YOU, I LOVED YOU! (j/k, but it happened to me -_-)

    And most important of all: enjoy the process. Don't focus on the end thing, doesn't worth it and may get you in a rush of a hurry that doesn't help. In fact, when you enjoy the process you get more conmfortable and you get faster to the end, and when you reach it, you wish you never did. Because that means the fun ended :\ But hey, you can start a new concept! :D This work is infinite enjoy.

    /end of tip of the day

    Keep it up, I find some of those designs interesting!
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    thats some solid advice, thanks! i guess its wiser to have a general idea of what you want (theme) then to just randomly do things. probably got excited that i actually have something to show, and figured that whatever people suggested i could figure out a theme from that. with the theme i suppox itll decided first, itll keep my ideas grounded a bit haha. thanks again, ill try to get some more ideas done today.
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    im not dead yet! bounced some ideas of some friends, thinking of a snow leopard theme either through armor or an actual pelt. turned my comp on to post some stuff i did last night to find out i have a bad hdd :(
    once i fix that ill post up some ideas
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    not a huge update or anything, but at least i can work on stuff again! hope to work more on the arms and the legs tomorrow, see what happens.
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