Best advice I can give u is to pay attention to the level of detail in ur paintings: where does it go? what needs it and what can be left out?
Usually, u put most of the details in the effects (brush effects or textures) and not in the form (break it down further where light hits it). While ur form is really well done in the basic level, u keep it rather rough while detailing a lot of stuff around it. I think there should be more balance there
Best advice I can give u is to pay attention to the level of detail in ur paintings: where does it go? what needs it and what can be left out?
Usually, u put most of the details in the effects (brush effects or textures) and not in the form (break it down further where light hits it). While ur form is really well done in the basic level, u keep it rather rough while detailing a lot of stuff around it. I think there should be more balance there