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[Dota2] Sven - Patriarch

Right, guess really I should start with a hello.


Now that that's out the way, I'll just warn you all that I've been your long time stalker and your uber skills have sort of scared me away from ever introducing myself. I saw the Dota2 contest and thought "Right, time to grow a pair." and here I am, shriveling up at the prospect of posting the fruit of my skills - although I doubt I've got to the point where I can even call them skills, seeing as my total time modelling must equal less than a day.

Look forward to turning your head in disgust for a while as I turn to you guys for CnC on this and my future projects. Enjoy.

So, even though I've never played Juggernaut in Dota 2, he looks like a pretty cool dude, and I've decided to choose him as my muse for this participation piece (was originally Sven, but some cool dude pointed out I was a bit thick for choosing someone not in the comp. XXD, Thanks again, bro.). Win or lose, I'm going to come out of this competition having won one thing; more experience.

My set is called Ode because Juggernaut is the last of his kind, he is an Ode to his people, a last standing testament to an almost extinct people. Because of this, I felt it necessary to have him look like he means business and wont let his people die without a fight.

I'm currently working on the sword (again, funny that) and will post some screen dumps of the current state of the model in here when I start to get sleepy (or get told to turn off Jack Johnson (my modelling artist, as of today)).

Please look forward to it, and please be kind but firm with me. *bows and other possibly weeaboo stuff* XXD


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