I'm doing some environment practice and UDK learning by creating a small scene.
It's an old castle ruin turned in to a cosy home in a post-apocalyptic setting.
Right now I haven't got much more than the start of a basic structure of the ruins.
I plan on making a little outdoor scenery to match, and maybe some landscape backdrops as well.
Any help is more than welcome!
Here's some shots of the ruin:

And in this previous screenshot you can see the whole structure as I plan it:

And here's some shots of my first attempt at a landscape:

Started on some props so I won't get too bored.
Making a iron stove:
If it's a vertex blend shader I would use the sculpt for your stones and sculpt in the damage there. And use a proper heightmap for mask, or well. Maybe a heightmap mask isn't necessary..
The inside of it reminds me of the house you can buy in Solitude in Skyrim.
I have baked height maps for all assets that I'm using in the blend.
The painting however is just a test at the moment, so is the detail-texture I'm using. Hopefully it will look better once done properly
And here's how the stove looks when it's in UDK:
Did a table and started on some cooking gear for the kitchen. Still lots more needed
Also the Stove seems a bit small, but maybe I'd need to see a player next to it to get a better feel of the size of things.
Other than that, really clean work! Keep up the awesome work.
That stove came out really neat!
Everything looks really nice and clean, good start
MeintevdS I see what you mean. My plan is to make it look like salvaged goods though, not a medieval castle... I'll keep it for now, but if it sticks out too much in the end I'll change it
sltrOlsson Yes, I do. Whole top floor will be semi-broken and I will make some rubble and stuff to spread around
Lord Waffles Most of the stuff is sculpted and baked, and then a little extra normal-detail added in Photoshop. I will use vertex colors to paint in some variation in the walls, I also plan on doing some custom bricks to insert in places.
m1neh Sure thing. I'm not very experienced with materials in UDK, so I'm sure this is a bit of a hack. I ended up having to use 2 different materials for the glass and the bottle to get the sorting right.
Here's a screenshot of the glass material, and I'm using a similar for the liquid.
Also, preparing some dinner in the kitchen
Food props and knife looking sweet!
Jessica: Thank you. I'm a big fan of your environments so your comment really means a lot to me
Haven't gotten much work done lately, but I did this little flame thing with plenty of help from this awesome tutorial: http://vimeo.com/33473526
However, It's not a particle emitter, it's just a plane. I added this code, that I found in a thread here on polycount, to keep the object facing the camera: http://www.3dality.co.uk/UDK_Z-Axis_BillboardMaterial.jpg
And here is what it looks like (sorry for the bad capture) Textures could still do with a lot of tweaking, but I think it looks pretty decent...
Grass is super temp.
Edit: Here's another view of the rocks:
I add the grass and the horizontal lines i worldspace through the material to make them all blend together better.
Here's what it looks like on it's own:
I'm not sure how UDK handles it, but I think they have some pretty nifty culling...
The scene is running very smooth at the moment, though it's far from populated so we'll see if I run in to any problems once I've added everything...
Threw together some grass as well, still just a first draft but still makes a big difference I think.
You are right about maybe breaking up the lines a bit. I think it's possible by just tweaking the texture I'm using. Will try that
Edit: I realize now that the scale of the grass is off, it's too large compared to the scene, even for tall grass. Will fix that too :P
Um...This could be my favorite game art kitchen table/table props I've seen in quite some time, if ever. Feels very tangible, has an animated film quality to it. Fantastic work!
Also...how the hell do I subscribe to a thread? Cause I want to do it
I'll be following this little guy and hopefully be able to talk lighting with you once the scene develops a bit further. At the present state, the contrast is a little on the flat side and the exterior is a little washed out (though I know you're still getting set up). Really great work so far!
You should mix the grass with some dead straws and maybe take down the density. UDK grass SHOULD look that big. Just look at Epics 2010 (?) demo
Gannon: Thanks for the advice. I tried it and it works pretty nicely. it breaks a bit in between the boulders in some cases, don't know why, but it still looks better than the complete straight lines. So I think I'll stick with it.
Endfinity Jon: Thanks man. I hope you stick around and help me with the lighting. I completely agree on your remarks.
RaPtoR_v9600: Thanks for the advice. For now I'll stick with slope-based grass, but if I feel the need to control it I'd definitely go for some kind of vertex blending.
sltrOlsson Great tips. I will definitely break up the grass with some flowers, weed and dead straws
I got inspired by the ZacD's grass (http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115761&highlight=misery) and decided to add a wind effect on top of my animated grass. I'm pretty happy with the result. I'm not at all happy with what the post-effects are doing to my grass though. Can't seem to get rid of the bloom-effect that makes everything all mushy...
Did a capture of the grass in motion here. It's all animated UV:s in the material with random start times for the individual actors and a world space wind effect that pans across the scene.
Check out the video on youtube here:
looking nice
Also, thanks for the breakdown of your materials, I've recently got a good grip on the material editor in UDK and I've been looking for new materials to try out!
Can't wait to see more.