So far, I REALLY like the whole aquatic-shelled motif you have on the first concept. I think the turtle shell is great on the shoulder, but a bit redundant on the left arm. Maybe a lobster's head or tail shelling would be cool there...
Hah, I kinda like the horseshoe crab for his behind, although I think it could be reduced or combined more with the other belt concept next to it. Also I agree with the turtle shells, one should be good enough. Maybe try for some sort of golden kelp/seaweed bracer? Barnacles? Heh, just a few ideas! Keep it up!
We worked on this one removing the turtle shell on the bracer and bringing some scales to a leather bracer in the same tone as the belt, we added a new turtle shell in the shoulder to make the silhouette a bit more aggressive.
Nice design. I'm liking the shoulder and back of belt. The gauntlets might need some more bulk.
I just rigged a belt/kilts like this for PL. small tip, add a solid skit underneath the strips of cloth/leather so you can bind in a way to block all the missing geo. His default idle pose is quite hunched over, his legs are bent and spread apart which makes covering the missing geo a little tricky in the end. I can explain more about rigging it if you go with that design and get to that point.
Nice design. I'm liking the shoulder and back of belt. The gauntlets might need some more bulk.
I just rigged a belt/kilts like this for PL. small tip, add a solid skit underneath the strips of cloth/leather so you can bind in a way to block all the missing geo. His default idle pose is quite hunched over, his legs are bent and spread apart which makes covering the missing geo a little tricky in the end. I can explain more about rigging it if you go with that design and get to that point.
Yeah, We are aware of the mising geo on the default phantom lancer model, we will see how it is going when we start model it and cover in the way.
I dont understand when you say the gauntlets might need some more bulk, do you mean make them bigger? or make one for the right arm? or?
I mean the gauntlet just needs something to make it more interesting. Bulk means something to add to the silhouette. It seems a bit too simple right now. Like just simple scale mail. Even tho it's scales like a fish its still just scales that will in engine read as texture nothing more. So adding something to break up the silhouette will make it more ...something.
Also if the strap with the line/dot goes across the chest under the arm might look better, a preference obviously so totally just an idea. the reasoning is you'd need that strap to hold on the shoulder armor. Straight down it would slid off in real life, if that comparison even makes sense in this world, lol
Neat idea with the aquatic theme! I like how clear that shows through with the giant turtle shell on his shoulder, and I'm wondering if there is some other aquatic-creature-texture that will translate well on to the remainder of this armor. Also, I'm not quite sure the visual metaphor with the horseshoe crab tail is getting through to me. It's hard to tell what it is referring to without the original sketch, and its difficult to figure out what it is looking from the front. These are just my thoughts... you guys are making some great progress and good luck with everything!
I like the turtle shell idea. I think you're going to have a really tough time rigging that. when he raises his arms how do you imagine that shoulder pad moves up? When he squats down how do you think the belt will deform. I can imagine there is anyway that can look good unfortunately. Still might be a fun item set, just going to be really messy on the animation. I've rigged the PL before and I literally remodeled slightly redesigned my item set so it'd rig/work better. Good luck post your issues and we'll try to help you solve them.
Its already rigged and tested, and the only problem I have is that in some animations, you can see he has no waist in the right leg, so maybe I have to model a tiny bit of his leg, but im too restricted on the polycount.. in the low poly version I use 447 tris of 450, and I dont know where to cut out.
You can see it if you are closed up and in the Idle animation.
i like the overall idea and the models look good, but i'm not a fan of the tail. It would look better i think if it wasn't so straight edged. The two sides look parallel so tapering it more would help.
Thank you for the comment, Its already tapered if you watch it from the side, But maybe I should do it in front and back too.
I cant have too much more detail in it because of the poly budget, 450 tris for that belt is a pain in the low poly version.
Already Im trying to import the entire set into Dota 2 test, but cant make it work, So if anyone read this and can help i would be so grateful, my current process is I can delete the default one, but cant show mine, it just shows an ERROR message on his foots.
Thinking on new bracer concept..
What do you guys think?
Thank you.
I just rigged a belt/kilts like this for PL. small tip, add a solid skit underneath the strips of cloth/leather so you can bind in a way to block all the missing geo. His default idle pose is quite hunched over, his legs are bent and spread apart which makes covering the missing geo a little tricky in the end. I can explain more about rigging it if you go with that design and get to that point.
Yeah, We are aware of the mising geo on the default phantom lancer model, we will see how it is going when we start model it and cover in the way.
I dont understand when you say the gauntlets might need some more bulk, do you mean make them bigger? or make one for the right arm? or?
Thank you man.
Also if the strap with the line/dot goes across the chest under the arm might look better, a preference obviously so totally just an idea. the reasoning is you'd need that strap to hold on the shoulder armor. Straight down it would slid off in real life, if that comparison even makes sense in this world, lol
Lobster head!
Lobster head!
Lobster Head!
Lobster Head!
We are working on some new concepts for the bracer will post new soon.
New concept:
Worked on the strap to make it go across the chest.
And a new bracer we think fits well in the style of the set.
More feedback is welcome, you guys are amazing.
See you.
We changed the overall design, instead of using the sea to make an armor set, now he uses the ideas of it to make an armor set.
New concept art:
We also start working in the low poly base meshes to use when making the high poly version of it.
3D Low poly:
Gonna start on the high poly version soon.
Thank you guys, we hope to hear feedback of you, the reason we are doing this!
Time to update!
High poly version done:
Now to bake all maps and struggle our heads to make lod1 versions of everything!
Still WIP:
Not too much comments in the thread, Any feedback ?
You can see it if you are closed up and in the Idle animation.
Trying to figure how to fix it!
Thank you!
Ingame screenshoots soon!
I cant have too much more detail in it because of the poly budget, 450 tris for that belt is a pain in the low poly version.
Already Im trying to import the entire set into Dota 2 test, but cant make it work, So if anyone read this and can help i would be so grateful, my current process is I can delete the default one, but cant show mine, it just shows an ERROR message on his foots.
Thank you all.
Thank to lancemaker for helping me in the process of putting the set inside dota2 test.
todo: Fix the tail to be more visible ingame.
For now it is gonna be called: Armor of the forgotten deeps
Help! Thank you!
Anyone knows how I can change the title?
Video: [ame="
Link to the collection:
Link to the pieces:
Thank you and good luck!