So I've been using maya for about 3 months now and im pretty comfortable with it.. in some cases i prefer it to max.. but regardless, there are still some small things that i wish i could do but cant. I dont know if its a thing with maya that is just like this, or if i need to change settings.. so thats where you all come in. To preface this.. I HAVE A WORKAROUND TO ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS! so if at all possible, dont tell me how i should do this. :P i just want to know if whether or not what i want is possible.. if its not, tell me so and ill go cry a little and get over it.
I thought id start this thread out pretty light, with only a few issues, but as i run into more ill add them. so here we go.
Issue #1: Beveling
Problem: When i started using maya 2012, bevel worked fine. beveling by an amount of 0.5 (default) would make the bevels land halfway between the original beveled edge, and the outer edge containing the face. now it draws over and i always need to adjust the amount to somewhere around 0.3 to be inside the face.
Issue #2: Beveling (cont.)
Problem: If i have a skewed shape, and i bevel, the bevel will not conform to the outer edges. I forget if max does this but regardless.. if its possible, id like it to be able to do that.
Issue #3: Scaling
Problem: While i understand negative scale is the way to go for mirroring (an issue ill address later), when using the widgets i do not want that. If i want to flatten a face or pair of edges/verts (without the aid of scripts), can i?
That is all for now. Like i said, pretty light. More will definitely be added as i come across them, and anyone else who has recently made a switch from max to maya, feel free to post your issues here so it can make the transition better for everyone.
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2 max does. maya is just a bit crap - its probably easier insert edge loops
3 average vertex position option in the mesh menu behaves like the flatten button in edit poly . unfortunately i don't think you can constrain it to follow edges
I use Insert Edge Loop for things like that, Offset edge loop would do more what you're looking for.
@poopipe: the im not seeing anything for average vertex position.. what i thought it was, average verticies, ive just found acts like set flow in max.. which is good.
For the 1st example use offset edge loop on that loop going down the center.
For the second I would use split edge ring tool with "equal distance from edge" checked. It would be cool if there was a value you could set to have consistent bevels, but you gotta eyeball it for now. I actually have a feature request on the maya feedback site if you wanna go vote for that
For the negative scale you scale a few times, once till it's pretty close then a few more times annoying I know and sometimes it won't be perfect. Personally if I have the grid or another object that shares the center line vertex, I just use the translate tool with "retain component spacing" unchecked and use the snap controls hold x for grid points or v for verts, and snap them together that way.
THATS AMAZING! however whenever i do that in the Z axis.. it snaps to 0 on the grid (for both relative and absolute). still though.. awesome. thanks
GrevSev's way works best haha. Yeh for some odd reason typing 0 in Z axis snaps to grid, must be some bug or the values are totally different, need more investigating lol.
and the opposite.. is there a way to have multiple objects selected and scale them relative to their center without grouping them?
I'm not sure about the second part, I usually just group them, scale, and ungroup.
is there a way to keep "Retain Component Spacing" on by default.. always. for UVs. i dont know why in the world anyone would ever want that off..
Ha, and the worst thing is, you don't remember its off until you try to snap a UV shell.
Would like to know if there's a way to keep it on for good too.
only downside is that this is not relative to your other shells. meaning you have tweak the scale factor. Unless someone comes with a method to determine scale factor for Shells that you want to set as basis/reference. also it is possible that it will change the shape of your shells a bit since this method uses the unfold uv.
Dunno who made the script but big props to him/her. I got it from my teacher... maybe he made it, I dunno.
Hope it does what you want. ^^
Pretty much -
I don't see any difference between going out to max for your UVs and going to something like roadkill (except licensing costs which I'm going to assume are a moot point)
you can also check out Ninja Dojo for more tools.
oh how id love to be able to send stuff out to max to do my uvs.. but at work we only have maya. :P
ok so new question.. how can i preserve an instance in maya when combining objects? max reference: i have instanced geometry, and i use attach within edit poly to attach a new object to my parent object.. the instance inherits the new object. whereas in maya.. the instance just deletes and becomes a transform node
We have a script here that preserves history when combining/separating meshes so it is (probably) technically possible - i can't share the code I'm afraid though
the issue is that my settings were in inches instead of centimeters. apparently having inches creates that bug, so switching it back to cm made it work perfectly.
some thoughts before i get an answer from you..
holding C for curve constraints, slide edge tool, and "set to edge" in the move option are all things that are nice.. but not what im looking for. AFAIK all of those apply to moving verts.. i want to be able to scale and rotate them.
edge constraints are one of the few thigns i always loved about max, that a lot of packages dont do.