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Railgun Sniper Rifle

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Broadway polycounter lvl 9
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So the plan is to make a slightly futuristic long range scoped railgun. I've thrown together some quick ideas here:


I'm leaning toward either 2 or 7. Any feedback is appreciated!


  • 16bit
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    16bit polycounter lvl 14
    I like 2. As well as if 8 had 2's grip and stock.
  • letronrael
  • Hang10
    1 & 2, I like the overall shape, especially the muzzle break, barrel and scope.
  • Tacticman555
    3 and 4 because of the fact that they have rails and not barrels.
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    3 and 4 work for me, as they've not got barrels (it's not reliant on explosive pressure, so there's no need for a bullet-hugging barrel... you'd likely just end up with the projectile melting/fusing itself to the inside of the barrel the first time the gun was fired).

    3 feels the most rifle like, 4's straying a little too far into "weird sci-fi shapes for the sake of it" compared to the others.
  • Moosebish
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    Moosebish polycounter lvl 12
    I'm also a huge fan of 3 and 4..

    They're all great concepts!
  • ZeroStrike
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    ZeroStrike polycounter lvl 8
    3 or 4 because of the rails. I like 4 more then 3 because of the sci-fi shapes. But that is just me and you are trying for more of a traditional look. Its seem like you like the design of the p90 grip cause you have it on 1,2,7. But I would go with a more traditional grip design. Maybe weighted at the bottom for stability. The p90 was meant to be used with either hand and very easy to level because its much lighter with a sniper. Let alone a railgun.

    Also tripod? If its a sniper it will probably need a tripod system to stabilize it.

    Good luck
  • Lyaksandr
    I agree about 3 and 4. I prefer the stock from 2, though.
  • Havoc89
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    Havoc89 polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome concepts. I love all of them. 1, 2, 7 are the ones that look most sniper-ish to me.
  • mbischof
    Awesome, 1, 4, and 8.
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

    It seems like the most popular ones were 3 and 4... unfortunately these were also my least favorite :). So I decided to make a few more variations keeping in mind some of the specific feedback yall gave me and ended up picking this one.


    I removed the barrel (not sure why it didn't occur to me at first a barrel would be unnecessary... lol), made sure the gun had visible rails, and removed the P90 grip in favor of a little more rifle-ish stock.

    (ZeroStrike - I didn't realize the P90 grip was intended to be ambidextrous, that's pretty cool. But you're right, probably not something you would want with a rifle.)

    I'll also probably look into adding a bipod, although I don't have one in at the moment.

    Anyway, I got started on the model, although it's really just a blockout-in-progress so far:


    Also a quick paintover trying to figure out how some details will look:


    As always, any feedback is appreciated! I'll keep posting progress on the model as I go along.
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    I'm really liking the direction this is going. Only comment I'd make is perhaps beef up the barrel width-wise.
  • Hang10
    Umm how would the users thumb wrap around the grip?
  • Todday
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    Todday polycounter lvl 11
    I Like 3 and 4 because I could see the classic look in the gun when it fire rail weapons. Although 4 looks confusion because I don't see the trigger. Either way its really nice.
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    Hey all, I'm back with some progress!


    Thanks for the comments guys. Hang10... now that you mention it, that's a really good point... oops! I changed the stock a little bit so that it allows for someone to, you know, actually hold and use the gun :). Thanks!

    I may look into widening the barrel as J0NNYquid mentioned, but I don't want the body of the gun to get too much wider. Once I have all the pieces surrounding the barrel a little more finished I'll play around with width a little.

    Any feedback is, as always, appreciated! There's still a good bit to go on the high poly so I'm planning to update more this week as I move this along.
  • ZeroStrike
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    ZeroStrike polycounter lvl 8
    It is just me or is there a strange shading on the end of the rails. Its like a normal issue or overlapping verts down the rails of the barrel. I'm not sure.

    Otherwise its looking good. Maybe post wires before going on to HP.

    Good Luck
  • nedwork
    This is very good, can't wait till you finish this
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Holy crap, that's insane!
  • Hang10
    Awesome work up'till now on the stock. Keep it up :)
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the comments guys! Zerostrike, yeah the ends of the rails have messed up smoothing groups; I'm basically converting the blockout to high poly piece by piece and I haven't done the rails yet. So that should be fixed when I do that piece.

    Here's a shot of wires, let me know if anything looks funny or if you want details of a certain piece (of course a lot of this stuff needs more love):


    And here's a paintover I did to plan the scope and the top of the gun. I'll be making these HP pieces next:


    I'm thinking the lenses on the back of the scope will project a picture onto the thing that looks like a reflex sight. Although this doesn't make a ton of sense, hopefully it's enough of an explanation to get away with these shapes.

    I'm trying to make sure everything on the gun has some kind of explanation, even if it's flimsy, while at the same time matching the concept silhouette. We'll see how successful I am :)

    Feedback welcome!
  • Darkleopard
    This looks amazing, i loved all the concepts with 1 and 8 being my favorites. Can't wait to see where you go with this. Maybe if you have time you could record the high poly modelling. I always love to watch people model, it teaches me so much.

    Keep it up!
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    So you are working in blender?Its fu*king awesome!
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    I saw railgun and sniper in the same title and I must say this is looking badass, keep going I cant wait to see where this goes.
  • BobtheGreatII
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    BobtheGreatII polygon
    I'm really liking it. However, I find that the laser dot sight is really huge and makes the gun very top heavy which makes all the proportions look strange. But maybe that's just me.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    im going to be honest, while the execution is pretty nice , the concept itself is a bit messy , lots of thrown in shapes that leave no place for the eye to rest, maybe simplify some parts to get rid of the "spaceship with a barrel" feeling ;)

    but like i said, the execution is really nicely done :) !
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    @Darkleopard: Thanks dude! Unfortunately I'm not really set up to record at the moment, but I'd be happy to throw up wires or some other kind of explanation, if anybody wants to see anything.

    @ivanzu: Thank you! Nah, 3DS Max. I will have to check Blender out at some point though...

    @praetor187: Gracias! I'll try not to disappoint ;)

    @BobtheGreatII: Thanks for the feedback! Check out the images below and tell me what you think - the simplified design also has a smaller laser dot sight. Hopefully less top-heavy?

    @Joao Sapiro: Thanks! I see what you mean about the concept. And I have been known occasionally to over-complicate things in concepts, haha. I made a paintover to explore a (hopefully) simpler, less random-shapy design; what do you think?



  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    Made some progress with the scope high poly:


    Feedback welcome!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    how do you think the scope would work? because i personally think anyone would have a real hard time seeing anything through it...

    it looks like you've got a holographic scope behind a telescopic one, the two work in completely different ways that just can't work together.
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    @almighty_gir: Thanks for the feedback! So, here's what I had in mind for the scope:


    Basically the idea was that the telescopic scope would feed into a little projector thing that would project an image onto the "holographic" screen. The buttons could adjust zoom electronically, plus it could have a little HUD that showed ammo count or other info.

    Now I recognize this isn't totally realistic (at all), so the question is... is it TOO far out? I'm certainly willing to change it if necessary. I had considered ditching the holographic scope in place of a little hologram thing kind of like the carbine from Bulletstorm:


    Alternatively, I could remake the holographic sight into something that doesn't resemble a red dot sight (something that's more obviously just a display screen) and have some tubes/wires feed from the telescopic lens into the screen.

    I'm open to suggestions!
  • Meteorkid
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    Meteorkid polycounter lvl 11
    The stock at the back looks like it slides out. I would like to see what that looks like. Also railgun, isn't that designed to shoot through walls? The scope would reflect that (thermal or motion or anything else that would make sense) then redesign the scope around that.
  • hamzaaa
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    hamzaaa polycounter lvl 11
    I like your style and your attention to detail, great work! One question on your blockout:
    Do you just use it as a guideline and start the highpoly pieces a second time from scratch or do you model your blockout so accurately that you are punching out the highpolys directly from the blockout pieces? Subscribed!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    okay that kinda makes sense, except that if you look at the position of the telescopic scope, it couldn't project the way you're expecting. maybe move the scope up?
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    cool stuff and nice details
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    i like the scope idea, but yea the rear part does look like a holographic sight, i think your paintover is a better idea. I also don't like that for such a sci-fi gun design, it still has the part with the 2 knobs for windage and elevation adjustment. I feel like on a sight with a holographic display, it would be able to adjust those digitally, or automatically so it doesn't fit.
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    @Meteorkid: I was thinking that the back of the stock might have some "give" so it could act as a shock absorber. I'll experiment with moving it around though! As for shooting through walls... I take it you've played Red Faction :). Nah, this one will probably be more like a normal rifle, except with a different firing mechanism.

    @hamzaaa: Thanks! I've been turning the blockout into the high poly piece by piece; I've got it broken up into a bunch of different objects.

    @almighty_gir: I made some changes to the scope, and angled the projector lens a bit so that it's projecting at an angle... hopefully this will look a little better!

    @Lonewolf: Thanks man! If I can make this even like 25% as awesome as one of your guns I will be ecstatic.

    @mr_ace: I made another scope variation that's similar to the paintover. Still not sure if I like the shape of it though. But I do think I like the idea of a 'projected' sight better than the more traditional one. And you're definitely right about the knobs, I will change those to something more suitably sci-fi. Thanks!

    More progress (the transparent blue piece shows where the hologram/image would be projected):

  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome design! The simplified design further on top is better than the one before in my opinion. Really curious about your progress. Are you taking this to game res?
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    im liking this.. A LOT! ill be the one to say it.. be mindful of your edge widths. especially on the smaller pieces. some of the edges are starting to alias even in those closeup shots. also lets see some renders with AO and shadows. :D
  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    Looks sick dude, i would love to model one of the other guys you have designed if thats ok?
  • Meteorkid
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    Meteorkid polycounter lvl 11
    Actually i was thinking more from the film "eraser". :D but if their is a game which has these in i know what i will be playing soon.

    mod edit- (removed linked image from Eraser, it was reportedly triggering a malware warning. imagine Arnie holding two big railguns)
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    @toolpaddz: Thanks! Yeah, I'm planning to make it game res.

    @Oniram: Thank you! I adjusted some edge loops but I'm sure there are tons more that need to be loosened. I need to come up with a good way to make sure I don't get them too tight when I'm working on an isolated selection. I'll do my best to fix the tight ones as I come across them. Pretty render below :). Although all the floating geo looks weird with AO... oh well haha.

    @bcottage: Thanks! Yeah man, have at it! I'd love to see where you go with it.

    @Meteorkid: Ohh god what an awesome movie. But yeah the Red Faction games (at least 1 and 2, haven't played past that) have wall-penetrating thermal-sighted railguns... making the multiplayer really rage-inducing and fun. Basically it's a wallhack gun haha.

    Made some more progress... I'm soooo cloooose to being done with the HP. I've been messing around with different scope shapes; I think I'll use something with this general shape but I'll change around the control buttons. I still need to do something about the scope adjustment knobs and finish modeling out a couple of pieces.

  • switz
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    switz polycounter lvl 10
    Really badass man, looking forward to see this thing textured.
  • walklikethis
    Great work, attention to detail is insane in places!!

    out of curiosity, how are you doing the circular indents in the model? Can we see some wires, might help people see how you are accomplishing some of the detail.
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    @switz: Thanks dude! I can't wait to get to texturing.

    @walklikethis: Thank you! Most of the indents are made with floating geometry, like explained in this thread:


    The places where I couldn't get away with floating geometry (generally where the surface I need to indent into isn't flat) I used this technique, from this thread by Marcus Aseth:



    As an example, here's a piece of the scope that uses both methods. My topology is really gross which is not ideal, but for this project I decided to try only really worrying about the HP topology if it started causing visual problems - in the past I've spent a long time making sure edges all terminate in the right place, etc, which takes forever. So I'm kind of experimenting to see to what extent I can just barrel forward and still get a good result.


    Here's some more progress, now all I have left is finalizing the scope design. Then... on to the low poly!

  • BobtheGreatII
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    BobtheGreatII polygon
    This is just my opinion, but I feel like the glass piece for the scope could be widened a bit. Maybe even tilted towards the front of the gun a bit. Right now it kind of looks awkward just sticking up with barely anything holding it in place.

    Past that everything else looks awesome.
  • Orangeknight
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    Orangeknight polycounter lvl 5
    I think the scope Idea just is-int reading that well for me. The godrays in that one picture help me understand it immensely but think about how obvious a sniper would be with god rays and this giant screen. Any trained sniper could see them from a mile away. What I would reccomend doing is to have something like what they have nowadays with a magnifier in-front of a holosight. Just a reccomendation I could understand if you have put to much effort into current design. Also remember you look through the magnifier and then through holo sight not holo sight looking through magnifier.

  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    @BobtheGreatII & Orangeknight: Thanks for the crits guys! Based on what yall and others have said, I don't think the scope design is working very well. So I think I'm gonna redo it differently. Here are some ideas I sketched out that have vaguely similar silhouettes to what I've got currently, but don't have the holosight and instead just have housings for the back of the scope. I'm not super thrilled about any of them yet but perhaps I can take pieces from these to make something new.

    And Orangeknight, that's a good point about the screen and projector; it certainly wouldn't be the stealthiest thing ever. Another good reason to use a different design. And if I end up using a holosight I will put it behind the magnifier piece... Unfortunately I'm displaying my lack of gun knowledge here :)

  • BobtheGreatII
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    BobtheGreatII polygon
    Well crap. Those are all pretty awesome. Lol. My personal favorite has to be 4 though.
  • Meteorkid
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    Meteorkid polycounter lvl 11
    The front part of number 2 with the back part of number 5 would be interesting.
  • Mio
    Offline / Send Message
    Mio polycounter lvl 13
    nice modeling and great design!!
  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    I'd say go for 3 (or perhaps 4)!
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